SMC 9200 mAh 6S Lipo

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Portland TX
Arrma RC's






Lady's and Gents if you have been wondering if the 6S 9200 mAh 90c from SMC would work in your Outcast, Kraton, Senton and Typhon? It will fit... but not by much in the Outcast and the Typhon body does not like how tall it is for the Typhon.

In the Outcast It barely made it in to the front hold down and the wires are in the middle of it so the center strap wires are in the way and there is no way you can use the holder for the balancing wire hold down. long are your run times on that? I just got the 7600mAh from Power Hobby, and am excited to see how long I can run it. long are your run times on that? I just got the 7600mAh from Power Hobby, and am excited to see how long I can run it.
That was my first question too. Heck I didn't even care if it fit or not I just wanted to know the run time. :D
I had a 9200 hardcase smc I ordered couple weeks back. It fit the kraton just fine but the truck becomes a low rider due to weight. I sent it back. 11oz I believe was the weight. IMHO its more for 5th scale.
I had a 9200 hardcase smc I ordered couple weeks back. It fit the kraton just fine but the truck becomes a low rider due to weight. I sent it back. 11oz I believe was the weight. IMHO its more for 5th scale.

11oz is nothing. It shouldn't be that low at that weight. What voltage were you running?

Their 22.2V (6S) is 40.56oz. I can see it being a low rider at that weight.
Another misprint. But you got the point as Im sure most people did. Yet you were the only one to get mad about it. Calm own its just a battery.

What!? Who's mad? I'm certainly not. Seems based on your comment to me you're the one getting mad. Lol

I'm just trying to be clear because twice you were unclear in your statements.
Your gonna be ok. Its just a battery and the sooner you come to terms with that the better off you'll be. Not hard to see through your constant need to type "lol" in each comment.

Wow, I can see my comments really affected you. There's no need to clutter the OPs thread with this nonsense. I've said my peace, there's nothing left to say of value. If you feel the need to reply back, shoot me a PM or just move on like I'm about to.

Ehinojosa, please report back on your run times. I have their 4S / 6700mAh and am thinking of getting their 9200mAh 6S. Running 15mins on a MM2/2200kV setup is getting old, we need more runtime and of course more speed never hurts.
Well I have yet to run the SMC just been busy with the family life. Have had no time due to work and home. but when I do get a chance I'll post it up. I know I was all excited when I got it and bam no fun time it still in storage mode and has not even been charged