I have the
Monoprice Select Mini. They are hard to get your hands on but widely regarded as the best value in 3D printers.
There is a v2 due out anytime now with some minor improvements but good luck getting one of those anytime soon. There is a bit of a cult following with these so there are many guides on how to improve their quality and capability. The great part is many of the recommended mods are free downloadable prints!
I have not had much time to play with mine yet due to other things going on, but my kids and I have printed a number of things from Thingiverse with good luck. I did just design my first part which was quite rewarding. It was a simple adapter plate to fit an aftermarket motor in a biplane I have. 15 minutes of drawing in Autodesk Fusion 360 (free for hobbyists) and 8 minutes worth of printing later and I had a factory looking part that is light and works perfect.
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