Kraton Standing Backflips?

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Those backflips were cllllllleeeeeeeaaaaannn!! I did a standing backflip with my V1 Kraton a couple years ago after dropping a Max6/4985 combo in it. Wasn't expecting it to do it, but geez!
Thank you! and yea that combo is very strong. I have a 2nd kraton with the max6 combo and it backflips just as easily. I actually have to turn the power down or backflipping is a lot more violent and harder to control..
Thank you! and yea that combo is very strong. I have a 2nd kraton with the max6 combo and it backflips just as easily. I actually have to turn the power down or backflipping is a lot more violent and harder to control..
what size pinion and what wheels?
So I finally got my backflip LPs and my car does not want to standing backflip or even wheelie much. It does however grip and haul ass now, dosnt really seem like it's diffing out but I could be wrong. I'll change my diff oils eventually. These new wheels perform really nice though.

Kraton 6s, stock copperhead 2's. Not the max 6 combo but castle mmx8s/1717 1650 combo which is the equivalent to max 6 combo. I believe I had a 26t pinion with stock spur. Max Power (throttle epa) was turned down to about 60% with 500k in center diff and rest stock.

lol that kevin talbot video inspired me to make this short. I saw how clean his backflips where and I didn't realize I had been doing it wrong this whole time.
Wow, sweet. So in order to do standing backflips with the 6s kraton you need to upgrade the motor.?