Stock Wheel hubs vs Aluminum

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Hello Arrma freaks! I made a little hard jump with my big fat nero big rock. Cracked the front hub. I found hot racing aluminium hub but are they fine? What brokes next if hubs are aluminium.
I have ordered stock part and i am going to jump little less. Not fullthrottle jumps. I was jumping with 4s lipos. Thanks not with 6s. Snow can be hard.
Which next part will break?...Oh if I will know that I try to get an job as Jesus! ;)
I guess that the next part will be the arms or their pins / buklhead.
Was it cold outside? Some damages occurs when it was cold and the plastic not flexible enough.

The Hot Racing hubs are looking fine and some guys in the forum had mount them.
I can´t get Hot Racing parts local, thats why I did not change mine.

It was 0 C°. I think the snow was cooling down the plastic. Thats why but it was fun. Learning to jump and throttle management. First real jumps. 115kr new in euro about 13€. But thanks dudes for your answers. Ionee the funny dude. Jesus ;-)
.....I like the Hot Racing hubs.......also other parts of them...
Moah, why the don´t have an Dealer in Germany!!!??

I drove my Big Rock also in snow, but the original tires have no grip in snow.
Therefore I have had less speed while landing after jumps.
No damages except one body stand, and the body had small scratches.
Oh stop, i break one of the Bodystopper of the front bumper! :)

I love that car! hihi
I broke one of my hubs by doing cart wheel at top speed on grass. It was a mean impact. I just ordered a new plastic hub. There was just too much force on the hub. So it can break. The original hubs are cheap and durable (at T>0C ;) ).

I don't like adding aluminum parts. They add weight and they bend. Especially adding unsprung mass is counterintuitive.