I have the Kraton, and Typhon, and had a Talion - I traded it away for the Typhon. My .02 -
For track running / track bashing, look at the Typhon or Talion. They are fast, handle great, easy to set up for racedays, and are 100% legal in their classes. Yes, the Talion and the Typhon are true racing chassis - just down-spec RTR's of the Team Durango DEX8 racing buggy and DEX8T truggy. There are a few difference like the motor/center diff mount, and I think the steering bellcranks are a bit different. But yes, they are RTR race cars, the same as would be the AE RC8.2 or the Losi 8ight RTR and others.
Comparing the Kraton to the other 2, for track use -
With stock tires, it is a lumbering pig.
Swap to proper track truggy tires, and it get a lot better, but it still does not rotate around corners as well as the Talion. Also, if your track is picky about rules, the Kraton is too wide (even with truggy tires) to run in a ROAR truggy class. Speed is not an issue, both are too fast to run on a track - I have my throttle EPA on the Kraton set to 70% and the Typhon set to 60%. As I get better at driving, I could see bumping that up to about 80%, but power is not an issue with any of these truck. This is all with 4s - I don't run 6s at the track (tried it once, bad things happened... LOL)
At the track, I would rank them -
Easy to drive -
Talion, Kraton, Typhon
As a e-bug, the typhon is almost twitchy, it really takes a lot of focus to keep it going consistent. When you get "in the zone" though, it is fast as heck... Kraton is easy, relaxed on the track, but sometimes feels like I have to horse it around the tight sections of the track. Talion is a good middle ground between the Typhon and Kraton. Rotates / turns better than the Kraton, but without the twitchyness of the Typhon.
Nimble -
Typhon, Talion, Kraton -
Ties back to easy to drive - the Tailon is easy to put around the track, once you learn to control the throttle. If you have the skills, the Typhon is on another level of nimble-ness. Nimble does not discribe the Kraton.
Acceleration -
Typhon, Talion, Kraton.
If traction is down, the Talion wins with the big, wide truggy tires. When the track is hooked up, the Typhon is a rocket. Which is why I run mine at 60% throttle...
Quickest lap times -
Talion, Typhon, Kraton
If I was a better driver, the Typhon would be quicker. For most casual track bashers / once a month racers, IMHO, the Talion will be faster, just because it is more forgiving of mistakes, and easier to drive.
Please note that all I typed above is my opinion based on TRACK driving, not bashing. For bashing, the Kraton is a clear winner. However, the Talion is not far behind - is it a great basher, and a great track truck. Best of both worlds, IMHO.
Why did I trade my Talion for a Typhon? Well, first, I just really wanted an E-bug, so when the trade was offered, I jumped!

Plus, I find myself track bashing more than park bashing. Last - If I find myself wanting a better park basher, well, Tower Hobbies is always open! LOL (and now the Outcast - Drool!)