Kraton Testing a new fan

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Arrma RC's
I've noticed that the pinion, spur, motor mount and center diff get hot. I decided to make up a fan and pipe in outside air right into this pocket between the ESC, motor gears and center diff. It seems to work well. The motor, diff and esc all get some fresh air from outside.

The motors pinion and drive shaft are sapping lots of heat from the inside of the motor, the motor mount is collecting heat off the can. So I'm trying some cooling directed here rather than on just the can. All is well and the fan is small and light. Today I ran hard in grass, I never ran too hot (180) , 5S, 14 tooth, badlands. I maybe hit 150 at the end of my run when the ESC Lipo cutoff hit. The setup is good and some external cool air piped in seems to help.

I used the fan from the stock ESC that came in the Kraton .


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I can run without the fan on my motor but it's so small and light....why not play around with it. I tested it a little bit yesterday and it sure does keep everything happy under the body. You can feel the air pushing through and around lots of the components.

I'm testing out another cool trick with my stock motor. You can almost see the motor in the first picture. Look close if you's flat black. It's been sand blasted and lightly dusted with flat black engine paint. I took this idea from some training I had with IROC racing team many years ago. They did lots of different coatings to keep things cool on their cars at the time. Every little bit cooler added horsepower. Their tricks consisted of a bunch of textures and types of paint. One thing that was neat was....a sand blasted surface provides much more surface area and also.... a flat black finish has even more surface area. More surface area cools way faster. Gloss has way less surface area. Flat black exhaust pipes cool way faster than chrome. Anything that is heated from the inside...stays cooler if it's flat black. The black color itself works the opposite when heated from the inside as it would if heated by the sun from the outside. Flat black is bad when heated from the outside, white is better when the heat is from the outside.. These RC motors are heated up from the inside so the theory can apply to it.

Also....the best color for the chassis is the flat black that Arrma used. It's not very smooth and it's a huge heat sink also. was smart to go from a shiny red motor to a flat black motor.
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Good idea !
What did you mount over the not existing roll over tower, this carbon plate ?

Under that carbon fiber overhang is a row of capacitors wired to my ESC. You can almost make out the 4 caps...they are hard to see. They are double sided taped to the underside of the carbon fiber plate. A zip tie around to secure them in. They are out of the way and close to my ESC leads. They just supply some extra voltage and clean up spikes and ripple voltage.

Yup...the roll cage is gone.
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Under that carbon fiber overhang is a row of capacitors wired to my ESC. You can almost make out the 4 caps...they are hard to see. They are double sided taped to the underside of the carbon fiber plate. A zip tie around to secure them in. They are out of the way and close to my ESC leads. They just supply some extra voltage and clean up spikes and ripple voltage.

Yup...the roll cage is gone.

That sounds very technical - and I feel so small now... ;) LOL
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LOL...just an extra cap pack from Castle Creations. I added them to see what the difference would be.