Outcast Tire tread similar to Proline Badlands

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I have my Typhon sitting next to my Outcast and noticed that the tread on the Outcast Tires are very similar to the PL Badlanders on my Typhon. They grip just as well on the loose dirt. Just my observation.
I have my Typhon sitting next to my Outcast and noticed that the tread on the Outcast Tires are very similar to the PL Badlanders on my Typhon. They grip just as well on the loose dirt. Just my observation.
I'd like to see how well the stock Outcast tires last compared to the Proline Badlands.
They look the same but im finding that on hard packed clay/dirt they don't grip as well. Just a logical observation. Regardless im still an arrma believer.:p Flipped and crashed this thing in ways i thought for sure would cause broken parts. Still alive and running folks!!:D
I'm okay with slightly harder compound for drifting and longevity. Badlands definitely meant for off-road, sure same applies to huge Outcast treads. I'm digging them and keeping them where they belong, shredding all off-road surfaces in its path! Would love to go air off sand traps at local golf courses/retirement centers just to watch the fogies flip out, no golf cart even on nitro can keep up with this 6s animal!
Im happy with them! We ran on loose dirt on a baseball field and it hooked up good enough for my style of driving!
Anyone noticed much ballooning?
Or have the tyres come off the rim and needed to be re-glued?
Any tyres completely shredded on 6S?
I ran several 50 mph passes to speed test on 6s 16 pinion, no extreme ballooning, keep in mind mild ballooning can sometimes be helpful for pulling flips and getting grab when truck freewheels on one side. Heavy center diff fluid helps from fronts over ballooning needlessly. I'm loving these tires so far. Holding up well with judicious initial acceleration, not doing standing backflips, wheelie beast on 6s.