Traveling with lipos and charger question

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So I'll be driving for about 3 days and was going to leave all my batteries and charger in its fire proof container which is an old WW2 cooler. Wondering if they will be fine to sit in the trunk or should I toss em in zip lock baggies and put some ice in a baggie and put it all in the cooler ice on bottom just in case. What would you guys recommend? BTW it's going to be in the high 90s the days we're driving.
@jk420 it's recommended to not let your batteries reach over 140°F and if you're traveling with outside temps reaching high 90's in a truck you can almost bet the trunk is going to be far hotter than the outside temp.

If it was me I'd store each battery in a LiPo safe sack, then place each sack in an old metal ammo box and keep them in the car so at least they will be in an air conditioned environment while you're traveling then bring them inside when you get to your destination.

This setup won't take up much room at all and will keep both you and your batteries as safe as possible.
Thanks woodie! We drove from Oregon to Colorado in one day. It was hot out but the old ww2 cooler keeped it relatively cool. I'll most definitely be keeping an eye on them throughout our trip. Got 1 more day of driving and a little more the next day.
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