Upgrade Lessons Learned

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Arrma RC's
  1. Raider
  2. Vorteks
The Raider simply cannot handle the 80A ESC/4550kW/4000mAh trio. Accelerate to about 20MPH or more, tap the throttle 1/3, the froint wheels pop up 1 or 2 inches. Tap the throttle 1/2 or more, front wheels fly over the rear and the Raider goes skidding on it's roof across the pavement, dirt, wherever. Gradually accelerate, trying to get to top speed and it's just too unstable, front wheels want to bounce into the air or, in less than a blink, hello cartwheel city.

Swapping the 80A ESC/4550kW from the Raider to the BLS Vorteks and the Raider become a BLS.

Another lesson learned, buggy tires are stupid. Period. With the SC wheels on the rear of the Raider, pitching the buggy tires into a junk box, then moving the rear D-boots to the front, it picked up some stability.

Will eventually try Vorteks tires on all 4 corners of the Raider.

Finally, Traxxas Anaconda tires are useless.

I think that @taupe is onto something - have you tried a lower voltage LiPo pack? (ie 2S vs 3S, for example). That should help keep the wheels on the ground, if that's what you want. :D
I think that @taupe is onto something - have you tried a lower voltage LiPo pack? (ie 2S vs 3S, for example). That should help keep the wheels on the ground, if that's what you want. :D
I want the speed and acceleration, I don't want the Raider skidding on it's roof, maybe some of that is bad driving,
After putting the Raider and Vorteks belly up, the difference in the stances of the 2 RCs is clear. The Raider is much narrower, and I noticed out of the box, the Vorteks handles much easier.
The true test will be when running the Vorteks with the 80A ESC/4550kW/4000mAh trio.
Wife already warned "no time to video this weekend" [darn...], so I may have to settle for a hat-cam or wide angle on the Sony. :)
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Hey Steve, I was wondering how the Vorteks is, and if you will make a running video of it?
Hey Steve, I was wondering how the Vorteks is, and if you will make a running video of it?

Video is definitely in the plans, will start off with general - 3rd person view.
Figuring out how to attach a GoPro or SJCAM to the Vorteks is also on the "to-do" list.
I saw how guys with Traxxas Rustlers will cut a hole in the windshield, then attach camera below to the chassis via some brackets.
If I'm going to slice up the lexan body, then I want to get one ultra cheap since it will be sacrificed. eBay should be a good resource for that.
Thanks @justatree for stopping by my YT site and leaving a message!