Kraton Was driving Fast with 6s as well as braking hard

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Sound-Back Differential or Rod.webp I was driving at full throttle not for an excessive amount of time though and now there's some sound coming from the backside of the car....but its working perfectly fine....

everything seems fine ....but am attaching a pic of the rod that goes into the back differential is it out ?

is the rod out of in it is meant to be inside the differential please have a look at the pic....

or is the sound coming from the back differential in something's gotten inside....but its closed pretty well so am not sure as to how something could get inside

driveshaft Holder.webp
i got the drive shafts out and noticed this why it's making sound ....the drive shafts should come out but the back side HOLDER which holds the drive shaft also came out along with it....did i lose a screw ???

attached is the pic when i opened the center screws for drive shaft maintenance
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could someone confirm whether this is the issue i just went through the manual and saw that i am missing a small screw and hence maybe that sound when it loses contact with the back differential and at low speeds seems to be fine.... ?
Missing Screw.webp
Yes its out and you need to screw it tight....those with blue on are good. If you keep driving you will very likely shred gears in rear or blow the bearing or something.....did that myself...the cup should sit as close as possible to the diff....tap the bearing back in so its not out of the diff and screw the cup back on....or else :p

Be sure to screw it all the way til it really not halfway but all the way down
I understood that I have to put that driveshaft cup as back as possible into that rod that's coming out of the back differential and then screw it tight with loctite with the small screw....

but what's tap the bearing back in ?????
i just meant you must also push this thing back into the plastic to the right on photo so its edges is not outside


  • Sound-Back Differential or Rod.webp
    Sound-Back Differential or Rod.webp
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as in you are saying that red circled portion should go into the Back Differential and only the shaft cup should be visible to us ?......i just tried pushing it in won't go in no matter how much force i use??
okay will do that...just wanted to confirm that to put it back in i don't have to open the Back Diff ..its currently out as you can see in the pic will try hammering it with rubber for protection

Back Diff Bearing.webp
the back of my screw driver is rubberized hit it in like crazy have a look now its almost flush
and opened up the back differential plastic casing so that rod which comes out from the back diff would not come in the way of hammering

Fixed bearing Back diff.webp
also now when i insert the shaft cap on to that protruding rod ....the circled gap should not be visible right ....i have to force the shaft cap on to the entire protruding length of the rod right ?

Rod Gap Shaft Cup.webp

also the protruding metal rod is curved throughout but has a small flat patch is that where the shaft cup's small hole should align with and there the small screw should be put in....also i don't think it can cover the entire protruding length

oh and i just noticed this...that old small screw never came off i guess its still inside it just lost its head ?
pic attached below...

Screw still in 1.webp Screw still in 2.webp

well i put a little of blue loctite and hammered that in very lightly and even that went in
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I guess its done.... final pic Done.webp

though i hammered it in instead of pulling it out using a hex driver but maybe i could try tightening it now with hex
and got the screw out as well now.....will put it back in i thought it was supposed to have a head because of this pic...screw no head.webpbut realized now that it's the base and not the head..
and thanks a lot
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Best be to screw it out with a hex and put a new one there that already has blue stuff on it...loctite or whatever it is
ALSO make sure that you didnt bind the gear on the other side of the bearing u hit in with the differintal outer gear. Just make sure that the cup can spin freely