What did you buy today?

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Lexington, KY
Arrma RC's
  1. Kraton 6s
  2. Mojave EXB
We all get excited when a brown box shows up on our doorstep regardless how big or small it might be. This thread will serve as a place holder to share what you bought today. Doesn't even have to be RC related.

We all love pictures so if you can, post pictures along with what you bought today. :)

That Arrma Granite you see for the giveaway... I placed the order with the LHS for it today!:D
seriously????!!! you guys do nothing but spam up these threads!!! unlike you, im actually going to say what I bought today(technically yesterday)

I went to a yard sale and found a swiss army knife and a oxypropane torch(works) for 5$ each

then I got a micro screwdriver(sry, no pic) and some drywall tape for a rc body im doing....
and then I went to my LHS and got a link kit and some glow plugs.

I have to go back to the hardware store and the hobbyshop today. I ran out of shoe goo.
Entirely to many vanquish products for my YETI.

Cart Items SKU Qty Item Price Item Total
Axial Yeti / EXO Steering Knuckles Grey
VPS06552 1 $34.99 USD $34.99 USD
SLW 350 Wheel Hub

VPS01040 1 $14.99 USD $14.99 USD
SLW 600 Wheel Hub

VPS01039 1 $14.99 USD $14.99 USD
Yeti Double Sheer Steering Rack Kit

VPS07230 1 $17.49 USD $17.49 USD
Yeti Front Caster Blocks Black

VPS07580 1 $28.95 USD $28.95 USD
Yeti Steering Rack Black

VPS07231 1 $24.95 USD $24.95 USD
Yeti Titanium Front Link Kit

VPS07200 1 $30.45 USD $30.45 USD
Yeti Titanium Rear Upper Suspension Link Kit

VPS07201 1 $19.30 USD $19.30 USD
Yeti Trailing Arms Black

VPS07350 1 $44.99 USD $44.99 USD

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Bought some corrosion x to waterproof my stuff (heard it works w/o much heat change) -expensive 20 bones

Got thread lock because some screws like to come loose from the rear a arms (did that before brushless too)-got a nice pack for $9.95 so i decided to buy it
Bought some diff oil 5,000wt (may or may not use on granite)
Shock oil 30wt ( been 6 months and haven't done it yet)
Some black grease
And a new 2s 1300mah 20c venom lipo-19Bucks
for my rc18 t because i was dumb and had to use in in my 10 scale for more then 30 min and killed the volts.
decals i ordered 2 weeks ago are still not here. Why did i not reliaze i was ordering from thiland!ughhhh #stickerwait

I know how you feel, I ordered a Neewer motor from China! Well, I now know what the expression," slow boat from China" means! I ordered it May 11th, still not here, next motor I order will be from, inside the USA!
I ordered, body posts,(Thanks, Darren Wes) a turnigy 1501mg servo, and arrma A-arms for the granite.

Ohhhh 1501g mg servo sounds powerful! I could be mistaken.... lemme know how it goes (esspically turn radius), a team associated 18t come with only a 6g plastic and when i upgraded it to a 65g mg it was crazy!
I am waiting for those hard to get Fastrax front (75mm) shocks for over a month...

If I speak other RC owners with different brand cars, they do not tell me a different story. It seems that part of the hobby is waiting....:P ;)
so, purchased two Soldering gun, both (40 watt and 120 watt), Castle creations Mamba Monster with engine, two 6s batteries, a selection of spur gears, some bullet connectors, some deans connectors, Solder.... can anyone guess what i'm gonna try and break soon?
Talion speed record?

And congrats on winning the, fast eddy bearings.