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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
I installed, a 3650 3650kv 4 pole leopard motor, with a new 57t arrma spur gear 0.8mod/32dp, and new slipper pads. Also, the associated slipper spring #9605 fits perfectly! And I went back to the stock 13t pinion gear because, I'll be ordering a green integy heat sink. Motor temps will be kept in check.

This is NOT, a properly mounted motor! Lol!

Your turn! :D
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Yeah, changed the 30wt shock oil to 40wt changed into the tiny tires. Very excited for next week 3900kv 4 pole install and trenchers and hopefully a track test i will post it to the facebook page. Besides that im still on the fence of trying to upgrade to the blx transmission because i cant find 2 parts to make it work: input shaft input gear from the slipper to idele gear
I put the stock blx 3600kv back in the granite, and changed the gearing to 54t spur & a 15t pinion.
I oiled up the old bearings i am still using. Then i broke in the new trenchers that came today. Glued in the small tires to the rims. Also put on some new dogbones.

Lastly i swapped out the 2pole 39kv brushless with a 4pole 39kv brushles. first test seems like the 2pole high end is lost, but i can feel the extra torque, kinda glitched (but so did the 2pole for a week or so) . Overall i think that this is better for racing and the track. May not be the best for long walks.
That is just my first impression.

May encounter issues because im still geared @stock mega 87/15. Seems to wanna get hotter a min or so quicker, may need to adjust somthing.

I hope to get to the track tomorrow, but ill have to wait and see about a camera man.

Looking into getting a slash 2wd for a sc and the sakrura d4 rwd drift rc to dive further in the hobby
With the shock oil 4pole and trenchers all new, the truck performed great at the track. 2s was almost enough power to do 8th scale large jumps. 3s sent me flying over it into another part of the track with most the throttle.

The test was a success i wanted tires to grip the loose dirt and they did exactly that. I was even able to do wheelies on the dirt while speeding up on the straight without trying.

Now i know the mega and bls transmissions can do 3s the truck is turning well the shocks can handel the big jumps and the motor is fast and powerful enough for the track... all i gotta do is figure out some bulletproof stub axels and the right gearing so my car will not overheat after 7min... try to get my track time up (thinking a 13t pinion would be the most effective) let me know if you have a better idea

Besides that i am in the process of making my own shock covers and electronic covers from dust and debris.
Made an arrma motor fan tonight to help keep things cool... its built and installed just gotta do some tests. Unfortunatly i cant use the metal motor mount i bought untill i get the blx gear box... if anyone could help point me in the direction of a blx input shaft and input gear i can find the rest of the blx switch easy...
So i had a couple of crazy happenings.
After the track i broke my new fan. Made fan 2, fan2 is wayyy better. Then i started brown outting. Tried a cap. Gave me more power but then was glitching and really messed up my axels. Got a castle bec and the electronics started working again.

Suddenly after the electronics started working i was driving and i broke my axel (was overdue) and l replaced them.

Now my electronics run (though i still am having esc heat issues) without glitching. And are in the process of being cooled better. But the problem now is my dogbones are popping out a lot...

Going to the shop in the am. for a better diagnostic and posible solution
Stock 80mm

These are the ones I've been using for about four months now.


Amazon has them for $11.55 + free shipping, I think. :) Oh no, I'm thinking! That could be dangerous! Lol!
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These are the ones I've been using for about four months now.

View attachment 182

Amazon has them for $11.55 + free shipping, I think. :) Oh no, I'm thinking! That could be dangerous! Lol!

Ended up buying some tubing for a dollar.
They don't pop out anymore, but before i started celebrating they started making grinding nosises from the drive line (during turns and quick starts) LIKE they were popping out but didnt.....
Oh man... the joys.

Once i get this pop grind action fixed i am on to the gears... i think i may need an 18t pinion, but am gonna try 13t first
Ended up buying some tubing for a dollar.
They don't pop out anymore, but before i started celebrating they started making grinding nosises from the drive line (during turns and quick starts) LIKE they were popping out but didnt.....
Oh man... the joys.

Once i get this pop grind action fixed i am on to the gears... i think i may need an 18t pinion, but am gonna try 13t first

What pitch gearing are you running now? I see above it is 87/15, 87/13 would bring your temps down. Would be faster off the line as well. Have you thought about 32p gearing?
Added more tubing... seems like that did the trick!

Cant wait to really drive the truck. But am trucking exhausted. May wait till Friday to do some heat checking. Gonna tape some loose stuff down so im ready for tomorrow... time for some rum cokes and funny netflix shows
I went and bought most everything i need to rebuild the trans... im going to build my own with the fast eddy bearings metal motor mount and 32 pitch gears...i would try to make it a blx but the metal input shaft and gear are not avaliable....

So composite gears it is. But it should hold up to the 3s.... has been for awhile. And seems like it will even more since i loosened up my spur so i didnt break my axels on 4pole.

Though any suggestions on mods of the new gearbox will be looked at in depth.
Blxer? how did the metal heatsink go for ya?...think i found on that may fit right in too...haven't tried it yet since i built my own heatsink but am going to incorporate both after i build my own trans
It actually helps a lot, just have to put it on motor before you mount motor is all. The heat sink was at 110f-115f & motor was between 87f-100f, depending on where I aimed the temp gun.
I went and bought most everything i need to rebuild the trans... im going to build my own with the fast eddy bearings metal motor mount and 32 pitch gears...i would try to make it a blx but the metal input shaft and gear are not avaliable....

So composite gears it is. But it should hold up to the 3s.... has been for awhile. And seems like it will even more since i loosened up my spur so i didnt break my axels on 4pole.

Though any suggestions on mods of the new gearbox will be looked at in depth.

Yah, that sucks about the input gear. Tower has a option for it, just no actual gear. Didn't they just release a fury blx? What about parts support for that?
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