What type of bearings to use?

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Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Europe
Arrma RC's
  1. Mojave
Hello all,

As I am making one Kraton out of 2 Kratons I am looking at bearings...Several sound like millstone and need to be replaced...
So I have been doing some searching and learning about bearings...Damn, those things really make the world go around in very small and extremely big sizes, but I am digressing...:wideyed:
Anyway, what kind of bearings do you guys like to use?...Shielded with metal or rubber or just open ones...Types which can be rebuild...Double bearings, etc...
Just wondering and wanting to learn...:)

Thanks for your time, input. knowledge and jokes!...:p

aka Aflan
@Aflan, there are three brands I'd recommend - FastEddyBearings, Boca and Avid. I've tried FastEddy and Boca and have had great success with both. Avid bearings I've not tried personally but have seen many great reviews on them. Buying a set of any of the three would be a good choice in my opinion.

I personally prefer the FastEddyBearings and would stick with just the sealed bearings. They can be easily cleaned with little work, just check out our thread How do you clean your RC for some instructions. Plus the sealed bearings are super cheap, so you can use them for a while then simply replace with new or clean them if you want.

Ceramic bearings I wouldn't mess with unless you just have large amounts of extra money floating around or you are a hardcore racer, otherwise sealed bearings are half the cost and will do just as fine for your backyard bashing/racing needs.
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