Wheel wobble and castle gearing

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Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
Hey i got my car rebuilt here metal diff and a castle creations 4600kv sidewinder 3 esc. What gearing should i try? It has the stock spur i think 87 amd a 16 pinion i put on today after losing the other one. I have a 2s lipo 30c and used link to apply 75 percent punch control. It still wheelies in grass a bit but its super slow. Its the same speed as the stock 15t brushed motor was with this battery. Whats my problem? Also when holding the truck in the air the back wheels shake and wobble like crazy you can hardly hang onto the car. Is that from getting water in them or something??
It could be several things. I would loosen the slipper some and reduce the punch control, gear up at least 2 tooth on the pinion if your motor temps are below 130 degrees F, check the timing to be sure it's at the default or advanced one setting. Also, your battery may be holding you back. Generally, at least a 50c is recommended with a brushless motor.

As far as the wheels, it will really help to balance them. I use the Dubro prop balancer and some poster putty. You can search the internet for some how to videos.

Best regards,
It could be several things. I would loosen the slipper some and reduce the punch control, gear up at least 2 tooth on the pinion if your motor temps are below 130 degrees F, check the timing to be sure it's at the default or advanced one setting. Also, your battery may be holding you back. Generally, at least a 50c is recommended with a brushless motor.

As far as the wheels, it will really help to balance them. I use the Dubro prop balancer and some poster putty. You can search the internet for some how to videos.

Best regards,
Awesome thanks i had no idea you had to balance rc wheels but it makes sense.
Hi there. May I know some tips how to fix my front tyres because of the steering wobble. Thank you very much!

Best regards,