Hmmm, OK than I would recommend to put an more efficient ESC into a Nero.
With less resistance in the FET´s as possible. But as better the ESC, as higher the price.
The BLX200 is a HobbyWing ESC but with castrated functions. Hopefully someone find out to modify them with a different firmware.
I think that the ESC ist exactly the same than
max8 but different software...
I think the first way to get more speed-> bigger pinion -> better bearings -> balancing the wheels. (good wheels)
Specially the tires has a big effect. Less grip is less resistance. Good grip gives more control but it takes power.
If it is not enough, open the wallet and invest in a quite good ESC.. that can mean a big amount of bucks.
But which sense makes up to 100Km/h on offlroad?
Be honest, A Nero with 17T and 6s on mud is out of control with no sensible throttle finger.
Same on wet asphalt or concrete. Thats why I ask for the reason that you want an ballistic flying car.