Why is the spelling and grammar really suxxor!

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Has anyone else noticed this?

I go through phases where I'm fanatical about electronics, music, woodwork and other geeky armchair activities that my real-life friends aren't interested in. An RC toy is the latest thing to attract my attention.
So naturally I'm a member of many Internet-based forums.

I will assume that members are passionate about ARRMA RC cars- why else would they join a manufacturer specific forum?. But people here don't punctuate, make basic grammatical errors like confusing "there" with "their", or otherwise write with the sentence structure of a 5th grader. Am I missing something?

Is English the 2nd or 3rd language for most members? Has the education system failed you?
Or does this forum have members with physical or cognitive impairments?

I feel like an old-timer bemoaning the degradation of the English language. :-(
You're obviously an old timer@tktran303. This is the world we live in, simply check out Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and most any other forum. Heck most US schools don't even teach cursive writing anymore.
I've noticed the same thing. I would think it's a combination of the things you stated.

As WoodiE mentioned, it's the same on all social media venues and other forums. I have to say that I've seen much worse on other forums I've watched over the years.

Schools here don't teach cursive writing either and don't even have designated spelling classes anymore. It's intended to be integrated into the other courses taught.

Sign of the times unfortunately, computer age where spell check and auto correct are supposed to do everything for you! Problem is that spell check/auto correct are not always right and most don't realize that you need a foundation/basic understanding of language and punctuation to realize if the changes made are applicable or not.
I agree. It doesn't necessarily mean people aren't smart, just lazier. I see it all the time in "professional" writing. It irks me. But unfortunately, the internet unleashes a hate storm on the person who points out grammatical errors instead of admonishing the verbal midget.
I can't say I haven't noticed all the things you guys are pointing out, and the "there" and "their" thing drives me crazy at work (especially in emails from my superiors).

However, this is a place we come to have fun, relax, and try to forget about the everyday grind and aggravations. As long we can all communicate and help each other out, let's not worry about how the words are put together, and keep bashing those RC's!!
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I can't say I haven't noticed all the things you guys are pointing out, and the "there" and "their" thing drives me crazy at work (especially in emails from my superiors).

However, this is a place we come to have fun, relax, and try to forget about the everyday grind and aggravations. As long we can all communicate and help each other out, let's not worry about how the words are put together, and keep bashing those RC's!!

Well stated, it really doesn't bother me. I was just making those statements in a general sense. I enjoy the forum and the friendly, helpful atmosphere here. Like you said, this hobby is all about fun, no sense getting worked up over small things.
It should also be taken into account that some users are more than likely on the younger side.
I see it more and more. It makes me sad.

I grew up w/ my grandmother correcting me. It's not really my place to correct someone I don't know, but is allowing ignorance to fester and spread right?
It is pretty sad how horrible spelling and grammar have gotten even since I was in high school 14 years ago. I'm not expecting people to be English majors but they should be able to properly communicate. Sometimes it is even so bad that I get frustrated and stop reading what they wrote altogether.
I am 32 and have been taken some college courses online. From the graded discussions we are required to do, I am amazed at how some of these kids even pass the courses.
I fully understand. I get to the point where I don't want to buy something someone has listed because they can not properly communicate what exactly they are selling. It drives me absolutely insane. Hard to believe that there are that many morons out there.
Always found it easier to just mind my own business
You gain no morality nor integrity messin in other folks business
Its not them,its actually YOU!
Why hasnt the OP engaged in defense of his "said" position against folks just being folks?
Maybe he actually learned something the government education system failed to teach him?
If this page allows such literal BS where spell checking grammer* and punctuation are viable content
Yall can hang this page in your * * * right now
Nothing here that cant be found other places
Im your personal "chaos" tktran303"
If Bruce Jenner supports this page Im out,just LMK how PC this page is really governed
My "American" shined abit,no apologies what so ever
SO . . . . . . back to breaking R/C sht!!
Hm, Sorry @tktran303.
But you are right. English ist my second language which I have "learned" 40 years ago.
So I am not sure in grammar yet. But if I write something wrong, be free to tell me that because I try every time to increase my skills in english. It will be also helpful for me on my job, because I have to do with people from Japan which mostly speaking Jinglish.

Yeah don't blame them (us) foreign-speakers ;)

It's the same with social media contributions in the german-speaking internet, though. And bad grammar german wrote by mother-tongued german analphabetics sure is a pain in the eye :confused:

However, it gives me a little smile everytime I read a "to" instead of "too" or the mentioned "there" where a "their" would be more than adequate.
I used to work with a few Cambodians who actually had some very nice handwriting skills. I mean REAL nice handwriting!
I won awards in grade school for my handwriting and pride myself on my spelling, because I see so many people who have gone through 12 years of the American Education System who's spelling is still at the grade school level... It's sad