Official AliExpress Wheel Thread

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How are those mirage tires?
Quality, spin nice and true. I think they'd be good on blacktop. I found them a bit slippy on my clay track, but it has a lot of loose dirt and is a rough surface. They aren't showing any signs of wear after about 6-10 packs on them. Seem like a hard compound, very little rolling resistance. Sidewalls are fairly compliant, tread area is stiff, makes sense given they are belted I suppose. These are the only belted tires I own. They're about a 1/4-3/8" narrower than the Fortress.
Quality, spin nice and true. I think they'd be good on blacktop. I found them a bit slippy on my clay track, but it has a lot of loose dirt and is a rough surface. They aren't showing any signs of wear after about 6-10 packs on them. Seem like a hard compound, very little rolling resistance. Sidewalls are fairly compliant, tread area is stiff, makes sense given they are belted I suppose. These are the only belted tires I own. They're about a 1/4-3/8" narrower than the Fortress.
That is one hell of a description. Thanks man.
Sub'd way too late. I need some cheap tires.
Never too late bro!! 👍

Being that tires are consumables, it's a never ending thing. I have the Mirage TT's tucked away ATM, as were the Katar T's..the Katars I just broke out again recently. I have them on my long armed Mojo. I love the size and durability, just wish for a tighter tread pattern. But I'm rockin them for now.
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I've run the AliEx Mojo tires a handful of times now on both my long armed Mojo and my short armed Kraton. They're a nice tire, don't balloon much, but not getting the grip I was hoping for from them. I'll tuck them away for now, maybe try them again in summer when the track is cleaner.
So for now I've been running the Katar T's on the Mojo, which are definitely loose and greasy on hardpack, but the size is perfect. Losi XTT on the Kraton, which are awesome.
I just found and ordered a set of these off amazon. $35 for a set, same dimensions as the Katar T's. See if they're the ticket I'm searching for. I have to imagine they can be found on AliEx, likely for cheaper, but damned if I could find them on AliEx, LOL.

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May need some of those for the Typhon6S....
You can, just keep in mind these are quite a bit taller, Typhon tires are 116mm tall, these are 146mm. So 4 1/2" vs 5 3/4". Need to make sure the chassis still touches down before the shocks bottom out, otherwise you'll be breaking shock rod ends, standoffs, or bending shock shafts. I'm not sure how tall you can get away with on the Typhon safely.
Just a quick update on the 146mm tires (for Talion) off amazon. It's a bust. They are 116mm standard buggy size.. boo hoo. They are an exact replica of the Dboots Exabytes that come on the TLR Typhon, without branding. They seem well made FWIW, but they're headed back to amazon. Problem with the Dboots Exabytes is the compound, just too hard to get grip on a slippery surface such as clay, but the tread pattern is too tight to be worth anything on loose dirt.. so IDK what the Exabytes are actually good for, I guess they're round and made of rubber at least? Essentially useless.. IMO of course. ✌️
Back to the never ending search for tall buggy tires suitable for slippy clay..
152mm RC JUN backflips are officially better sidewall/tread thickness than Arrma. Same rubber as the 170mm version, time to get sticky!

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Should’ve discovered this thread sooner…may I ask if these knock offs are good? Specifically the 6s 170mm as direct replacement for stock Notoriousl tyres.
Should’ve discovered this thread sooner…may I ask if these knock offs are good? Specifically the 6s 170mm as direct replacement for stock Notoriousl tyres.
If you don’t mind glue they’re more durable while performing better, especially the 152mm.
If you don’t mind glue they’re more durable while performing better, especially the 152mm.
May I ask if you prefer the 152mm for general mischief over the 170mm? I love to jump small ramps and backflip.

I actually have 3 perfectly ok 6s backflips and 1 rounded hex wheel (which is still kinda in service with repair). If it goes kaput, I’m thinking the RC JUN backflips can be phased in seamlessly.

Thinking it’s a waste to completely go over to the 152mm unless it drives better…
May I ask if you prefer the 152mm for general mischief over the 170mm? I love to jump small ramps and backflip.

I actually have 3 perfectly ok 6s backflips and 1 rounded hex wheel (which is still kinda in service with repair). If it goes kaput, I’m thinking the RC JUN backflips can be phased in seamlessly.

Thinking it’s a waste to completely go over to the 152mm unless it drives better…

Depends on the wheelbase for handling as smaller/lighter is better or if I’m looking to double and triple things up with more centrifugal forces 👍🏼

I enjoy different tire configuration options.

The RC Jun backflips are lighter than Dboots seen here.
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Not sure if you notice but the rc jun tyres have very recently increased in price by about 40%. This is even on which is generally as direct to the manufacturer as it gets from china. The 6S 170mm tires are now only about 20% cheaper than original dboot backflips.
Not sure if you notice but the rc jun tyres have very recently increased in price by about 40%. This is even on which is generally as direct to the manufacturer as it gets from china. The 6S 170mm tires are now only about 20% cheaper than original dboot backflips.
I’d still buy and prefer RC JUN if they were 20 percent more knowing they were glued properly and have better thickness rubber 👍🏼 😊
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Not sure if you notice but the rc jun tyres have very recently increased in price by about 40%. This is even on which is generally as direct to the manufacturer as it gets from china. The 6S 170mm tires are now only about 20% cheaper than original dboot backflips.
Unfortunately it looks to be the case. Still probably worth it due to swappable hex
Depends on the wheelbase for handling as smaller/lighter is better or if I’m looking to double and triple things up with more centrifugal forces 👍🏼

I enjoy different tire configuration options.

The RC Jun backflips are lighter than Dboots seen here.
Interesting, so even with thicker rubber the RC Jun's are a whisker lighter than the Dboots version? Must be in the wheels I suppose? Makes sense I think, the Mojo sized tires I bought were lighter from AliEx than the Dboots too IIRC. The wheels from AliEx are definitely thinner than Arrma's.
I ran those briefly, they were too greasy on the clay, so I swapped on a set of Losi XTT's for now. They hookup really well, but I know the Mojo will destroy them rather quickly.
Interesting, so even with thicker rubber the RC Jun's are a whisker lighter than the Dboots version? Must be in the wheels I suppose? Makes sense I think, the Mojo sized tires I bought were lighter from AliEx than the Dboots too IIRC. The wheels from AliEx are definitely thinner than Arrma's.
I ran those briefly, they were too greasy on the clay, so I swapped on a set of Losi XTT's for now. They hookup really well, but I know the Mojo will destroy them rather quickly.
Still think if the foam is firm enough, the hyrax tread would be a better solution.
Still think if the foam is firm enough, the hyrax tread would be a better solution.
Maybe. I wish closed cell or at least a firm open cell was an option. I have the Mirage TT, nice tires, no grip.. mini pins are where it's at for clay. I just have to pony up for some proper race tires with closed cell foams. I have to imagine they're not all created equally in terms of strength though. Need the toughest race tires I can find for a heavy 6s like the Mojo.. or, just live with the "drift". The Hyrax may be decent given they are a soft compound, but the Fortress and AliEx tires are just simply too hard to get any real grip from. I wonder how the Hyrax compound compares to the Mirage TT's?

I do wonder, why does Proline list the Mirage TT as a "soft" compound while the Hyrax is a "desert racing" compound?
If it's hard clay you might be better off with a worn-out center fortress tire where the edge tread would minimize sliding. See that often at my 1/10 indoor clay track where people purposely run worn mini pins/goosebumps but use the sides for stability. Depends on the weather, too cold and they'd become slicks.