Typhon Good weekend wrenching

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Arrma RC's
  1. Granite
  2. Infraction
  3. Kraton 8S
  4. Kraton 6s
  5. Mojave
  6. Notorious
  7. Outcast 6s
  8. Senton 6s
  9. Talion
  10. Typhon 6s
  11. Vorteks
  12. Voltage
It’s been a little while since I got to do a full teardown and rebuild but got my og v4 typhon reworked this week. Swapped the v5 battery tray/receiver box in along with basherqueen infraction towers, top plate, and ackerman bar. I also pulled the max6/4092 hobbystar for a hobbywing bl-150 combo since it’s a little smaller/lighter and will throw it in my og notorious that started me on 6s trucks. Also got a bunch of soldering done for future builds 👍🏻
The Typhon shocks found a home on my 3s big rock to finish it off and the m2c ackerman will go on a future build.
Speaking of the future build I was planning to tear apart a v1 k6 exb to make an m2c mojave chassis basher body bug build like the latest rich d video, but I just scored a red vitavon k6 chassis so now I may have to use it on the roller and hit the spare parts bin for the basher bug. I do have the v2 k6exb shocks/arms/steering linkages so maybe I’ll snag the exb diffs on Jenny’s and a set of red hinge pin blocks off vitavon and call it the red rocket 😂😂😂
The big basher bug will probably end up with basherqueen talion towers since I have a set laying around and big rock shocks/arms and the plastic set from Jenny’s with a g2 max6 combo 🤘🏻





It’s been a little while since I got to do a full teardown and rebuild but got my og v4 typhon reworked this week. Swapped the v5 battery tray/receiver box in along with basherqueen infraction towers, top plate, and ackerman bar. I also pulled the max6/4092 hobbystar for a hobbywing bl-150 combo since it’s a little smaller/lighter and will throw it in my og notorious that started me on 6s trucks. Also got a bunch of soldering done for future builds 👍🏻
The Typhon shocks found a home on my 3s big rock to finish it off and the m2c ackerman will go on a future build.
Speaking of the future build I was planning to tear apart a v1 k6 exb to make an m2c mojave chassis basher body bug build like the latest rich d video, but I just scored a red vitavon k6 chassis so now I may have to use it on the roller and hit the spare parts bin for the basher bug. I do have the v2 k6exb shocks/arms/steering linkages so maybe I’ll snag the exb diffs on Jenny’s and a set of red hinge pin blocks off vitavon and call it the red rocket 😂😂😂
The big basher bug will probably end up with basherqueen talion towers since I have a set laying around and big rock shocks/arms and the plastic set from Jenny’s with a g2 max6 combo 🤘🏻

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That’s nice! Wish I had that many hobbywing esc’s😂
Ordered some carbon fiber fireteam towers for the mojave chassis basher bug rig. Really trying to talk myself out of painting the basher bug body. I know it won't last long at all but i think the wear down and destruction of the paint would look cool possibly. With it being a VW after all i really wanted to paint the nose yellow and use a gray/od green for the sides/top to give it a bf 109 feel possibly with a little nose art and german cross. I love all the different paint schemes from ww2. I have a couple dozen model kits of them to put together at some point 🤣
On the red rocket front I got the vitavon hinge pin blocks, servo mount, and bulkheads in. I have a set of m2c center braces that i'm torn between using on this or swapping them with another exb kraton i have so i can keep the red going. I'll probably end up swapping them to keep all the red going. Also ordered a red oktay's bumper esc plate that has grooves to fit a max6 or max8 in the 6s arrmas. I snagged up the new ebs arms/turnbuckles, steering rack setup, shocks, center diff with the top that uses the shorter 2 braces and the braces on jennys, and since the plastics have been out of stock forever i'll go with an rpm hd wing mount in the old style since it sounds like people are breaking the new mount anyways. Thinking this truck will get the g2 max6 and i'll throw a g1 max6 with the v2 hobbystar 4292 1780kv motor in the big bug build.
Thinking since i'm still short a few parts in the mail i'll build out the traxxas fiesta rally i bought in the bl-2s before they dropped the vxl. It'll be converted over to all the vxl parts and some more goodies i'll spare since this is an arrma forum. I have to take inventory of my dumborc radios, i will need one for this and the just bash it beefcake notorious i'm finishing up with another max6g2 as well hopefully this weekend. All it needs is the motor/esc and some custom side guards Curt is working on to fit the Just Bash It chassis. I have some prototypes to try out on it.
In the wings i am waiting for my wallet to recover to throw a max8g2 in my 4s mojave and a better servo/saver and then maybe i'll use the leftover v1 k6 exb parts to buld another frankenstein that i'll try to fit a cage to. The dr8 stuff on aliexpress would run me almost $200 so i'll wait and maybe toy with a ryft/lasernut/lmt/udr option for a cage instead.

beefcake noto.jpg


ryft kraton.jpg

EDIT- forgot i pulled my OG noto out to go through and replace a few parts on this weekend. The max6 gets glitchy close to lvc and i want to ditch the front tbone bumper and go to the newer super bash bumper, v5 battery tray/receiver box with the larger receiver box, and shim my diffs up now that i know better what i'm doing with those. I'm slowly backing my gearing back down in everything to 20/50 too from 24/46 and ditching the fans on ones without the castle bec2.0's already installed.


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Got the old notorious overhauled and updated 👍🏻 got rid of the Tbone front bumper and put the super bash bumper on it. I didn’t like how it put strain on the top of the bulkhead. Also put the max6 out of the street typhon in it since the old one was glitchy close to lvc. Dropped gearing back to 20/50 from 22/46 so I wouldn’t need to run the 12v fans since this truck was just running a balance lead plug for power





Today I finished the newest build- another notorious/outcast 😂 with a g2 max6 combo and some prototype side guards for just bash it chassis 🤘🏻
Once I got the noto finished up I started on project red rocket 😂 I had a v1 k6 exb I cannibalized towers, drive shafts, and hubs off of to add to some vitavon bling and ebs take offs. I’ll be waiting a week or so for my center braces to come back from anodizing and I’ll throw it all on a red vitavon chassis and max6 g2 it as well.









@calebgilmore Nice!

Where did you get those shorty bullet connector adaptors with the color wires for the Hobbystar motor?
The little extensions? I made them. I cut the extra wires you get with max6’s and soldered on bullets
It's my friday, off til tuesday when i go back on nights. I'm hoping to start the mojave chassis bug build this weekend. I'm still waiting on the m2c center braces to come back anodized for the beefy ebs build. I may go ahead and get the Max6g2 combo, battery tray, and center diff/motor mount in and be waiting to slap the front and rear assemblies on. I knew i had some metal center diff cups somewhere that came with a notorious i bought used so i found them last night to put in the k6 and the mobug buid. While digging them out i found a v5 swb chassis, tlr typhon chassis, 2 stock fireteam chassis, mojave exb towers, and some hot racing center braces i had forgot about 🤣 so i may have to piece together another beater mojave for the heck of it. I do need to come up with a few more diffs for all my ideas too. I guess i'm the 6s arrma freak. I have no idea how many i have at this point.
Aliexpress has had some cheap aluminum diff cases that look EXACTLY like the hot racing ones without the hr logo so i took a chance on 2 at $25 a piece. I may use them on the v1 exb chassis in some sort of way or wait on the mo bug to put them on it and work on something else this weekend. Still need to order a max8g2/2200kv combo for the 4s mojave as well. Maybe the BL-2s fiesta will be my project for the weekend since it has all the parts waiting to go in now.