Outcast Where to put my new vitavon bulkhead? K8S or O8S?

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  1. Felony
  2. Kraton 8S
  3. Kraton 6s
  4. Kraton EXB
  5. Mojave EXB
  6. Notorious
Hey friends, so i could only really afford one bulkhead for now. The nice one from vitavon. I have the K8S and the O8S both exb. The screws have sripped out of the rear housing of the outcast and the front of the Kraton. Question is which to replace. It's been sitting there a few days now. I drive them both about the same amount.....also is this chassis done?


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Tough call.. whichever one has more upgrades already. 🤷‍♂️

I’d keep sending that chassis tho. 😈
The screws have sripped out of the rear housing of the outcast and the front of the Kraton.
What do you mean by that, can you pls elaborate a little more? Is this a known issue, can I prevent this from happening with my own O8SEXB?
What do you mean by that, can you pls elaborate a little more? Is this a known issue, can I prevent this from happening with my own O8SEXB?
The screws that attach the bulkhead to the the chassis can pull out of the plastic. It’s not a huge problem.. I’ve only done it once and I jump my trucks like crazy! However if you do happen to strip them out, you can always buy a pair of new ones from Jenny’s for about $20. The Vitavons are the ultimate in bling and durability tho. 😉