Yes, the more heel to toe tooth contact you can get the better..keep in mind pinion shimming must happen first.. then backlash shimming.. you can place shims behind the inner pinion bearing...
The diff wasn't seated fully in the case. Now it is and now the mesh seems fine. I might add another shim to the crown gear side, the pinion I can leave alone for now.
The diff wasn't seated fully in the case. Now it is and now the mesh seems fine. I might add another shim to the crown gear side, the pinion I can leave alone for now.
It happens.. sometimes those shims are a pain and don't let the carrier seat all the way..
It is still worth shimming the pinion for maximum tooth contact.. if there is any heel exposed on the pinion it's good to set it in further.. it makes them much stronger and less prone to popping teeth..
You def can ring in some of that slop. Just know that a slight tick of play is needed. Seems the tooth contact angle of main and input is way off for sure.
>>>Are those pix of the Main and Input gears, with the Bulkhead "cover" screwed into place?
That's the best way to observe for accurate Mesh.
Before all this, make sure the Input cup is grub locked so the Input gear has no fore and aft travel. Yet not tight where it binds up. Or your Input gear shimming might be incorrect.
The diff wasn't seated fully in the case. Now it is and now the mesh seems fine. I might add another shim to the crown gear side, the pinion I can leave alone for now.
What I thought, posted above.
Bulkhead Cover needs to be In place and screwed on first to measure any visible backlash. Otherwise a fail.
You caught it, what matters.
Nice catch @SrC! I was thinking when I saw the photo, that mesh looks terrible, to the point I was wondering if the diff case was cracked or malformed.
Been there, trust me. The only reason I know. Now you know as well.
Nice work.
I probably built 6s open diffs well over a hundred times so far. Literally.
Sending good pix always helps solve things quickly.
I actually wanted to ask the same question, but I noticed this was already posted. What size shims am I supposed to use? I read 8x10mm somewhere, but for whatever reason I can only find 8x12mm in my area.