Limitless First Speedrun build

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Sorry not sure if this is the best way to do this or if I should make my own post. I just really need some help with my build. limitless v2 dual 1721, x4 cnhl 6200 4s1p have been ordered. My main problem at the moment is figuring out what gearing I should be using. I've already watched all of Raz's video 100 over seeing if he mentions what gears to use but he doesn't. Community may frown upon me for just wanting the hand out but the thought of going through all these different pinion and spur gears buying them $20 a pop just doesn't sound enjoyable to me. I saw that these cars are fast and just want to enjoy the speed. I just want to know what gearing is used for 150mph and 180mph with my setup and I guess a bashing gearing setup also for the days I just want to rip around without blowing my motors/esc. Sorry for the long post and I understand if im banished for wanting the handout I know some of you guys worked very hard to reach these high mph and I respect it but the gearing part of this hobby is where the joy bleeds out for me.

Start your own thread because this could be a lot of back n' forth answering questions.
You really shouldn't use a speed car for messing around in parking lots. It is best to have 2 different cars in my opinion.
Update on my car, the new batteries I tried made a huge difference, pulled 81mph on the same short road. Unfortunately I had my first crash, Lost radio signal and it launched off the ramped curbing as I was slowing down, minimal damage just missing some screws and tore the side of the wing off.

Needless to say my next upgrade is a better transmitter
I finally ordered my own soldering iron and capacitors to make my cap pack. Does anyone have thoughts on a TP4050? Looking to get a new motor, and then I just need the new radio and batteries lol. Speed running gets expensive fast! I did confirm though a road near me has about a 2000' straightaway and its newer pavement