For the pew pew & stab stab lovers

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There is now a bill, submitted just a few days ago, to ban .50 cal rifles. Also forces those already owning one into the NFA. Info, including the bill in question, in video below. If you ain't subbed to this channel and you like pew pews,you should be. Contact your legislator if you live in these districts and let them know how you feel about it.

Excuse me sir, I need you to hand over the assault butter knife.
TSA tried to do this to me coming home from Vegas, it was in a box with the rest of our wedding cake! The guy’s supervisor over-ruled him and got a good laugh. I was being detained for trying to board an aircraft with a deadly weapon! The TSA guy actually argued with his boss, saying “it has a serrated edge”!
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TSA tried to do this to me coming home from Vegas, it was in a box with the rest of our wedding cake! The guy’s supervisor over-ruled him and got a good laugh. I was being detained for trying to board an aircraft with a deadly weapon! The TSA guy actually argued with his boss, saying “it has a serrated edge”!

You freaking psycho, putting the whole flight in danger just so you could have your cake and eat it too. 🤪