Kraton help with steering

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Manchester, England
Arrma RC's
hi everyone I am new to this and loving every minute of time when I have my kraton out and about , until I tried to change the punch setting with that stupid count the light listen to the beep setting. I think I may have done something wrong though as now the kraton pulls to the left after take of and I cant seem to get it to go straight again (it has not been crashed)any tips or help would be brilliant as like I say am just learning my way around this beast of a rc thanks.
Have you checked your steering trim?
Have had a look at it and tried to adjust it but not sure what am doing lol can get it straight for about 10 yards then it starts to drift left do I just have to keep adjusting the nob a little at a time till it runs true ?
I usually put mine on a stand and get it set to wear is close the wheels should point slightly to the outside on both sides and then I will set it down on pavement and get it moving slowly forward and finish trunking it out. If your trim knob ends up all the way one way or the other then you probably needed to recenter your servo.
I usually put mine on a stand and get it set to wear is close the wheels should point slightly to the outside on both sides and then I will set it down on pavement and get it moving slowly forward and finish trunking it out. If your trim knob ends up all the way one way or the other then you probably needed to recenter your servo.
I usually put mine on a stand and get it set to wear is close the wheels should point slightly to the outside on both sides and then I will set it down on pavement and get it moving slowly forward and finish trunking it out. If your trim knob ends up all the way one way or the other then you probably needed to recenter your servo.
Thank you will have a go I have it on a stand at the moment is it a big job to recenter the servo ?
Not at all. Remove the screw on your servo arm and take the servo arm off the servo. Power on your transmitter and then your truck (make sure your trim knob is in the neutral/Midway position) and the servo will automatically go to center. Replace the servo horn with tires pointing as straight as possible and then you can adjust the trim again to fine tune it.
Not at all. Remove the screw on your servo arm and take the servo arm off the servo. Power on your transmitter and then your truck (make sure your trim knob is in the neutral/Midway position) and the servo will automatically go to center. Replace the servo horn with tires pointing as straight as possible and then you can adjust the trim again to fine tune it.
Thanks for you help will give it a go tomorrow and let you know the outcome cheers
Not at all. Remove the screw on your servo arm and take the servo arm off the servo. Power on your transmitter and then your truck (make sure your trim knob is in the neutral/Midway position) and the servo will automatically go to center. Replace the servo horn with tires pointing as straight as possible and then you can adjust the trim again to fine tune it.
Nice one for the advice yesterday pal got it sorted and she is running like a dream again.