Kraton Kraton or nero?

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I'm new to this and I'm looking to get one of them but i just can't choose. I really like the look of the nero and the fact that is a monster truck so that way i can do off road and speed(i'm not buying the model whit the brain diff) ,but i also like the kraton because look more easy to control. How about off road? (More like forest or difficult terrain?) I know he can do speed but as a beginner i don't wanna play with the pignon yet and i think the nero come with a 15 and the kraton a 12. I would like to ear you thanks
I love my Kraton. It's got plenty of ground clearance and is pretty much a monster truck as far as ability to go over rough terrain. It's also significantly easier to work on, which I find very useful. Both trucks are great, but since the Kraton weighs less, it's often seen as the more durable one, especially if doing large jumps.
I would say get the Kraton,, for reliability, and ease of maintance
Kraton hands down. I own the Kraton, Talion, Nero and Outcast. Nero is just too much trouble. I leave mine at the the house 90% of the time. The Kraton is great performer on all terrain, put on a set of backflip tires and have a blast.
If you just consider between Nero green and Kraton...-> Kraton.
We have here with friends total 4 Neros, 1 x BR, 2 x blue and 1 green.
Also we have different 1:10 off road trucks. For bashing I will not recommend the Nero, because of its weight and the more complex chassis.
I agree with everyone here. Especially if you are getting a non diff brain. I have both and just like OF my Nero stay home most of the time since I get my Kraton. You can change the diff fuilds in the Kraton and it will improve the traction. Much cheaper than getting the diff brain and the Kraton is much more durable.

Or you can do what I did and get a Kraton roller and put a Nero blx200 system in it. It's just insane.!
LOL, @Va-jeeper,
In my case it is opposite; since I have the Big Rock, my other off road cars are mostly at home.
But one of the reasons are that my girlfriend also have one 1:18MT two 1:10SC and the blue Nero.
So we discuss before we go out where we drive and which cars we take with us.
The craziest was 10 cars together with two friends. (these guys jus have each one car;) )

With the BLX200 I agree also. No negative issues with them and the original BR-motor.
The other Neros has the 185.
It´s a bit difference between them but I do not know why. I feel that the speed of the impulse on the BLX200 is a little quicker... I can´t measure that and it is just an feeling if I drive girlfriends Nero after my BR.
Thank you guys for your answer. My first idea was the kraton and i'm gonna stick with it. And as a beginner if its easy to work on,make sense i get that one!! I'm excited i should have it in couple weeks.
Kraton. Hands down. Check out Tekno Orange Springs for a good easy upgrade. Then my next suggestion would be to watch the bullet proofing the differentials, on youtube. While the differentials may be intimidating, watch the video and you can do it.
Use promotional code 011AG at tower hobbies for $50.00 off
Or if you are a super saver member for $4.99 a year, you should have a code for $75.00 off. I became a member and on the first order I placed I saved an extra $35 so it was a well made investment. So far it has probably saved me over $300 in the last 6 months since I joined.
Or if you are a super saver member for $4.99 a year, you should have a code for $75.00 off. I became a member and on the first order I placed I saved an extra $35 so it was a well made investment. So far it has probably saved me over $300 in the last 6 months since I joined.

I figure that Super Saver Membership I bought when I first ordered my Kraton has cost at least $400 -$500 since the day after I bought my Kraton. Yes I may have paid less than I would have for what I got, but I might not have bought it with the "savings" lol.
I use the super saver but I am not sure if I can give my code out. Its definitely worth joining the club.
I use the super saver but I am not sure if I can give my code out. Its definitely worth joining the club.
It will only work if you are a member. My buddy tried mine and it gave an error that the code is not associated with the account or something like that.

I figure that Super Saver Membership I bought when I first ordered my Kraton has cost at least $400 -$500 since the day after I bought my Kraton. Yes I may have paid less than I would have for what I got, but I might not have bought it with the "savings" lol.
Oh yeah. I hear what you're saying. I wonder how much more stuff I have bought because of the deals and free shipping deals and everything. So I have spent a lot more because of it.
It will only work if you are a member. My buddy tried mine and it gave an error that the code is not associated with the account or something like that.

Oh yeah. I hear what you're saying. I wonder how much more stuff I have bought because of the deals and free shipping deals and everything. So I have spent a lot more because of it.
Same platform as Amazon Primekind of, Makes great marketing
Yes. I have saved too much money as well. $75 off 3 times since December Time it so you get ecash when buying and get $40-50 to use for upgrades.

And free shippers no...I see people paying more for used on eBay

Free shipping to
Kraton hands down. I own the Kraton, Talion, Nero and Outcast. Nero is just too much trouble. I leave mine at the the house 90% of the time. The Kraton is great performer on all terrain, put on a set of backflip tires and have a blast.

What about the talion? I know they have one at my hobbie shop and he give me that option. By the way thanks for the first answer.