Soldering for a dumdum

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Hi all!

I’m looking to get into soldering stuff, adapters, connectors etc. All RC stuff. I may find myself doing other EV stuff in the future, but it’s not the main focus.
My question is, where do I start?
I keep hearing about the FX888D, but it’s discontinued and there are a bunch of other options that look the same- definitely overwhelming for a newb. I’m hearing hakko, weller, X-tronic, analog, digital, everything in between. What’s a good start? I’m looking to get something 70w minimum. Don’t want to have to buy again, and don’t need to take it out on the field.

Trak power TK950. Mine is over 10 years old and is still going. Cheap eBay lead solder is best. The more you spend on solder the crappier it is. Lead free solder flows like peanut butter and is hard to work with.
Yeah, I was seeing this and also a 29 something? Is there a big difference?

They are the same, just different packaging I would wager. You will need to get the right tips.

I hear the FX951 is better but I have not had a chance to use it yet.