I use a Bosch IXO for hex2.5 and, since I found this for really really cheap, I use the one in the picture for hex2.0. It was so cheap that I won’t even bother switching the hexes , plus I have a spare one in case one needs charging.
The cheaper, the better for me. I got this little guy from Harbor Freight a couple years back. Single speed, like 180rpm, but for rc, perfect. Batteries crapped out rather quickly but, it's 4 rechargeable AA's inside the handle, easy to replace.
I don't see mine on Amazon anymore but its very similar to this and cost around $14
I hold it really loose and let it free spin in my hand to function as a clutch to not strip screws seating into plastic.
I don't see mine on Amazon anymore but its very similar to this and cost around $14
I hold it really loose and let it free spin in my hand to function as a clutch to not strip screws seating into plastic.
Yes, that's how I use mine too since it doesn't have a clutch. Works well most of the time. I occasionally strip screws in plastic but, goes with the territory I feel. I use Wiha bits in mine, along with various extensions when needed. They seem really good thus far. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0084B7S70?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
Not necessarily inexpensive, but I use the Dewalt gyro electric screwdriver. Very intuitive "twist of the wrist" to control direction and rotational speed. Clutch offers lots of fine adjustment that works great for RC-sized fasteners. Handle can be configured from straight to pistol grip.
Not necessarily inexpensive, but I use the Dewalt gyro electric screwdriver. Very intuitive "twist of the wrist" to control direction and rotational speed. Clutch offers lots of fine adjustment that works great for RC-sized fasteners. Handle can be configured from straight to pistol grip.
Yes, that's how I use mine too since it doesn't have a clutch. Works well most of the time. I occasionally strip screws in plastic but, goes with the territory I feel. I use Wiha bits in mine, along with various extensions when needed. They seem really good thus far. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0084B7S70?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title