60 amp esc

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I want to know why does the new Granite only come with a stock 60 amp esc? Why not a 80 or more i just am a little confused why this is only coming with a low amp esc
When people started changing the BLX80 they all went to 60 amp ESC.
So Arrma seen this an went with what they thought people would want? I really am not to worried there is so many 80 budget amp esc's on the market that can be had for 50 shipped or less. I just have read a few posts where people have said the rtr price has become a lot less vs the V1 granite. A long with that i see some people have said the electronics are better an some of the known issues like the dog bones are longer etc but with some of these fixes/upgrades the truck lost some metal chassis parts etc I just wonder how some thing can get better in rtr form an go down in price vs what was on the market just a few months ago. .
Supply and demand....about 2 years ago people wouldn't know what an Arrma rc was....now it is the most pushed brand at my favorite local hobbyshop...the other still does primarly traxxas, but my favorite shop doesn't even anymore. They are just growing super fast. Folks I know who never done rc hobby stuff before bought 4 new trucks in 4 months. Haven't seen people buy so much rc stuff ever. I remember 2 years ago when I bought my mega on like Dec. 15th and it was the last one that were getting before Christmas. They sell well and they are a lot of truck for the money.

Look at it this way a erevo costs 700 an Arrma outcast is 500 and a better truck.... They got a good start from Durango rc and been working on it.... Shoot the next new traxxas won't be for another 10 years... next year Arrma may make a 5th scale.... If rpm would make some parts for them they could be a new hpi or somthing....probably not traxxas...that are too simple and easy for starters to take outta the picture. But thats how they are doing what they are doing but why....personally I think that wanna be the new traxxas...but won't be able to....but just like the saying goes if you shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars
well said brother, i agree about traxxxas i feel like the after market is massive for all the Traxxas rtr's. I have had a lot of them most in nitro form an tbh there over priced an everyone knows this. I just would love see some plastic parts for the Arrma line. Idk why there is none, i mean Arrrma has been making rtr electrics for a few years i just wish there was better parts other then stock. Sure there is the metal option but for me i am still set on the new Granite i am ordering Fri maybe sat i just wanna check out tower hobbies coupon sale .
Time... Rpm is undoubtedly the biggest and best plastic maker for rc. However it's good business to not just jump in. Just like they discontinued other cars in the past. If rpm would have helped ecx hypothetically make parts, rpm would have lost. Kinda doubt rpm will make plastics for arrma....but ps4 got mods so there is always hope.

The biggest selling point for the granite is the 2 year warranty. In 2 years if you are still breaking parts because of crashes it's because the driver is carless or didn't take time to learn repair and prevent weak points being at risk.

I've hit a 6 foot ramp at 40mph went like 30 feet r so in the air backflipped landed on the wheel didn't break anything did another couple jumps. I have only broken 3 arms in 2 years. A lot of help from t bone bumper

That being said I'm not trying to sell you anything. Not gonna lie rpm traxxas parts give me a warm fuzzy feeling like no matter what I won't break the rc but at the same time with the 2 year Arrma warrenty it gives me a fuzzy feeling too (because I'm only about 3 hours out from Arrma hq and parts get shipped pretty quick)

ultimately I feel like they are pretty equal experience the reason why I went with Arrma is kinda a silly reason but 1 was I wouldn't feel pressured to buy allllll the aftermarket stuff 2 The stance 3 The metal drive line (tho that's probably my biggest beef since I bought it... changed it over to an associated b4 cva wheel carriers and hexs)

If you wanna save your granite plastics get a tbone bumper and put your front body mount on the highest setting. That should help the majority of starting problems. You may and up needing wheel nuts too mine kept backing out. Also while breaking it in don't crash...if you do, it won't be ruined or anything just helps insure everything is working correctly
I deff understand what you are saying, as far as the front bumper can i buy it from somewhere other then ebay? I do not have paypal no more do to money being stolen from me a few months back. All i am getting is the truck a pinon gear or two an a spur gear. From Value hobbies i am going with a lipo charger an a 3s 4000 30c soft pack. I might grab a 2s pack that is higher in mAh for longer run times vs the 4000 3s pack. With towers savings they are offering i could pretty much get the bumper for free if its say 20-30 bucks shipped. I been looking at every option an the new Granite seams to be the best deal. I was pretty much sold when i seen it can reach speeds of 60ish mph with a gear change. That is crazy bro a monster truck reaching those speeds, i been a long time nitro fan an i am sad to see nitro is just for the old timers like my self. My LHS has no rtr's in nitro form etc, its all electric an traxxas. No hpi etc i asked them an the owner said look behind me. So i did lol and he has a big parts wall an then he has a door that slides an guess whats behind that section ?? Traxxas parts an traxxas parts , i really did not know what to say i do not wanna tell someone how they should run there business . I just called the shop like 10 min ago to see what they had in stock . I was told not much seams to be its all air based stuff an boats an trains . They do have a nitro tmaxx 3.3 an a electric slash but its the brushed version.I figured i might as well ask what the prices where check this out bro. The Tmaxx 3.3 250.00 an there is no info on how much fuel was ran threw the motor etc an the slash they want 175.00. Prices are firm with no tax , i guess it will just be another store ill go passed an not stop.

Sorry for the long post i really am i ummm went in there last year around this time an i did buy a 2wd nitro slash so i spent a little money an i went back there a week later. I go in an there was no one in there but me an the owner an a worker. How he pays the worker i have no idea lol. So i am in there looking at wheels/bodies they keep them in the same section on the back wall just past the counter. So i am in there looking around at the trains,boat's etc lmao an i can feel some one looking at me. So i turn around n there watching me . I felt kinda uneasy so i left, i wonder if they needed my sale so they can eat? Or they where shocked to see me back or anyone in there at all. I never left a store feeling sad an so uneasy in my life an i am 32.
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You'll get more time outta a 3s going a bit slower than a bigger 2s. You can buy the bumper from the t bone website with a credit card.

Sorry your lhs sucks. I found each store has its perks and quirks....my favorite is good for modding stuff and has a lot of old rc heads. Full of theory and explanations But sucks if you want basic plastics bearings or talk to the wrong person.

The other has no old rc heads all kids mainly traxxas....I find that the other is great if I wanna follow the books need a plastic bit or bearing.

If there isn't 1 redeeming quality of your lhs I would suggest watching about 10 r so YouTube videos by squirrell rc and amazon
You'll get more time outta a 3s going a bit slower than a bigger 2s. You can buy the bumper from the t bone website with a credit card.

Sorry your lhs sucks. I found each store has its perks and quirks....my favorite is good for modding stuff and has a lot of old rc heads. Full of theory and explanations But sucks if you want basic plastics bearings or talk to the wrong person.

The other has no old rc heads all kids mainly traxxas....I find that the other is great if I wanna follow the books need a plastic bit or bearing.

If there isn't 1 redeeming quality of your lhs I would suggest watching about 10 r so YouTube videos by squirrell rc and amazon
Sorry to hear your issues with ya LHS. I pretty much know what i am doing its just i have a lot of nitro exp behind me an the modern electric cars/trucks an electronics i am not up to date. I tend to use youtube to learn an just kill time watching old school racing from the late 80's an early 90's . The good ol days i got in to this hobby late 90's with a first gen stadium blitzer i had to build an it was real fun then switched to nitros a few months later. As far as
Squirrell i have seen all his stuff i like it but some of it seams like he could cover stuff in one video instead of making 3-4 but i do understand he brakes it down in series i guess to help people. An good thing i got a card i can use to order the bumper. Oh yea last nite right before bed i was thinking i might dye the stock a arms an other parts. I would wanna do that to NEW parts i am talking before i even run the truck. That could help give the truck a cool look an with out RPM parts i could do a basic blue dye to kinda give it that RPM look. I would think i could hit up the local walmart an do this for 4-7 bucks the price of one set of RPM a arms. I have not seen any one do this i think it would get a mention from Arrma on there facebook page. I see they post all the stock trucks etc people buy. Imagine how the truck would look with the stock body(green) with green a arms an a mix of the stock black parts? What you think? would save me 40.00 not having to buy a new body an blue paint.
I have no issues with my lhs they just have their quirks... Its actually a pretty happy medium.... As far as dye goes I've seen it done...never to a lighter color than it started but seen it... But the color is the last reason I buy rpm regardless.

I put stickers on my granite chassis to make it look like sponsor stickers on the bottom half of monster trucks.

But anyway 60a escs suck. If you do drive with one make sure it has a fan If you brake or launch a bunch you'll feel why
I have no issues with my lhs they just have their quirks... Its actually a pretty happy medium.... As far as dye goes I've seen it done...never to a lighter color than it started but seen it... But the color is the last reason I buy rpm regardless.

I put stickers on my granite chassis to make it look like sponsor stickers on the bottom half of monster trucks.

But anyway 60a escs suck. If you do drive with one make sure it has a fan If you brake or launch a bunch you'll feel why

The new granite has a 60 amp esc so is that one crap? It does not come with a fan like the first get Granite. What i find funny is the stock electronics can handle 3s an its only 60 amp an the the combo with the motor a long with changing the gear can reach 60 mph. An that is arrma saying this, so what u think the stock esc is crap an 60 mph that say right on there boxs is there any truth.
Don't get me wrong the trucks are quality and most the stuff in it is alright but honestly I think that about most stock stuff is crap in about every rc.

Depends on which one.
I have heard people say they have used 3s in the brushed truck....they maybe did for a second until it crapped out

The bls can take 3s but this is the point in expressing is that most quality brushless 3656 size need about 80a to run at full potential (not including servo reciever Fans lights) if the esc is only 60a you can understand that doing the "controlling" will cause more heat and not give you the full spectrum of the motor.... 60a will work it's fine....seeing that it's a 2pole motor it probably only uses about 60a

Think the blx has an 80a uses a 4 pole which will take about 80a...again right on that thin line...

An esc shouldn't get over 130 degrees... The more amps an esc can constantly utilize, more than the max amps needed to run your ride, the more it will help keep the esc cooler therefore help keeping battery and motor temps down respectively

What I'm saying is there are companies that cut corners to make somthing just enough..enough to run alright...enough to try and keep their own warranty from biting them in the butt... Enough to please...yeah it works.... But just like everything else, just enough, isn't usually enough... Wear... Accidents...temperature....

Wouldn't say it's junk. Would say it isn't what I want tho. And possibly would say to arrma that they cut corners and that if they would ever wanna be better than the rest they should figure out their servo issue that have in all their trucks and add more amp capabilities to their escs

I think the stock blx can do 60 with a new pinion and spur powered by 3s don't really doubt it...could do the math but I doubt they are lying. Tho I don't get the appeal of a 60mph granite....on the 10th scale track by my place I usually don't wanna pass faster than like 42mph because of the tight turns and small run-ups to jumps the other track I go to I could go about 50mph but it is a 5th scale track so the jumps are pretty small and very few. Pretty appealing because it's so easy that I could drive it till it dies and not have to play rescue giant....

Hope that kinda helps in why I don't like 60a escs... I would if we were talking about a setup that used about 55a or less max. I wouldn't have much to say except it will work. But since the esc is slightly weaker than what the max amps needed to continuously run a drifting circle at full throttle I find it to be lackluster because being near that thin line means you're closer to overexerting the escs board.
The new Granite on towers site says it comes with a 60 amp esc an 40 pol motor