Aloha from the M.I.A. member

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Speaking of non-arrma's what happen to Johnny? He got hurt jumping ramps or you just slacking on new vids? hahaha
Dirt bike Johnny took a mad hit and busted his lower swing arm link. 😈🤘
Then I accidentally deleted his vid off my channel and have been too busy to upload another.
I’ll try and get him hooked up with some new bling soon. Then he’ll be ready for full sends again.
The Dibby has been eating up all the rc budget lately. Vitavon stuff ain’t cheap. 🤑
Dirt bike Johnny took a mad hit and busted his lower swing arm link. 😈🤘
Then I accidentally deleted his vid off my channel and have been too busy to upload another.
I’ll try and get him hooked up with some new bling soon. Then he’ll be ready for full sends again.
The Dibby has been eating up all the rc budget lately. Vitavon stuff ain’t cheap. 🤑
Nothing RC is cheap. hahaha
Nothing RC is cheap. hahaha
Michael Richards Yes GIF
Welcome back stranger! Sorry to hear about your dad and the moving bad luck. Glad things are settling down. Good luck on the home sale/new home search.

(Can't believe you got rid of the Arrmas :cry:)
Wasabi fellow members! Long time no talk!
It's been a very crazy, rough past year.
Some know a little and a little knows a lot but to fill you all in (short version),
We bought a house in Washington, moved, put it on the market shortly after, and then moved back to Kauai.
Just before moving back, my dad passed.
Living arrangements on Kauai fell through, so we had to scramble to find a place to rent until our house in WA sells and we buy a place here.

We have settled into a rental, and things are, for the most part, going smoothly now. It's been hard not having my dad around anymore, but we're handling it the best we can.
Our house is under contract now, so hopefully, we can soon start looking for our new home.

I still haven't shaken the 1/24 RC bug and have 3 FMS Smashers that I'm constantly tinkering with.
When I moved back from Washington, I kept my minis and gave my cousin-in-law my Arrma's and Axials.:cry::LOL:
(A 1/8 Kraton is in the plans)

Aaaanyway.....For those that don't know and for those that may not remember, I am SUPER SERIOUS 1% of the time, and I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with the other 99% of me being me. (not really sorry...just suck it up).

Looking forward to meeting the newly joined members and catching up with the OG's.
For the new members, keep an eye out for @Doom!...kinda sketchy that guy!:unsure::p

I would have given you a reaction but none of them seemed appropriate for this post. We should be able to react more that once to a post to solve this impasse once and for all, I'm sick of ARA (Ambivalent Reaction Anxiety, it's in the DSM, look it up if you don't believe me).

Good to see you again brother. My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your father. That's gotta suck man...a road I still have to go down. Love ya.

Welcome home.
Welcome back stranger! Sorry to hear about your dad and the moving bad luck. Glad things are settling down. Good luck on the home sale/new home search.

(Can't believe you got rid of the Arrmas :cry:)
Thank you I appreciate that.

Yes the Arrma's...what was I thinking?!? hahaha
Oh well fresh start with the big boys I guess.
Eyeing a new Kraton. For the time being the 1/24's are keeping me occupied. hahaha

I would have given you a reaction but none of them seemed appropriate for this post. We should be able to react more that once to a post to solve this impasse once and for all, I'm sick of ARA (Ambivalent Reaction Anxiety, it's in the DSM, look it up if you don't believe me).

Good to see you again brother. My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your father. That's gotta suck man...a road I still have to go down. Love ya.

Welcome home.
Thank you I appreciate that.
Thanks for the warm welcome and for not letting me down and having me google stuff that you say. That made me actually smile that it happened this way. Same'ol same'ol!;)👌

I love this forum!
Thanks man! Yea we moved before the house sold so we could get my son in school at the start of the school year.
He is getting so big so fast. He's also getting too smart and too much of a smartass for his own good! hahaha
Nah he's a good kid.

Thank you! Appreciated it.
Missed you nuts too!
Yes watch out for that guy! hahaha

Honestly, it feels like only a year or 2 ago our first granddaughter was born.

She just turned 20 this month.

Enjoy every minute


And PS : Condolences
Honestly, it feels like only a year or 2 ago our first granddaughter was born.

She just turned 20 this month.

Enjoy every minute


And PS : Condolences

Welcome back, man! Lost my folks in 2017, it's rough, I feel you. Keep fighting the good fight. (y)
Thanks guys.
My mother passed away unexpectedly and out of nowhere in August of 2020 and it still hits me several times a week. You just see things that remind you of them. She wasn’t ill or anything, but I know she’s in a better place now. It will get easier as time passes, and be grateful for all of the memories you have.