Diff brain issue

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
Hi all.

I am the owner of a blue Nero with a diff brain.
My diff brain is not responding to the pistol grip switch anymore.
Is the a way to re-program the brain module again?
It worked in the past, and all cables are as the should be on the receiver and on the diffbrain.
I hope one knows the answer so i can enjoy driving the nero again.

hmmmmm....interesting. ..selection switch isn't controlling the diff servos anymore...if I am understanding you correctly...

just for the sake of being thorough....and not to say these ideas are related...but..have you tried re binding the receiver and transmitter?...did the genie get out of the bottle? (see any smoke come out of the box)...water get in anyplace recently?..everything dry?...

hmmmm...just a stab at it...
Thanx for the ideas so fas.
I tried rebinding the transmitter and receiver. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem.
The genie seems to be in the bottle (when i press the button on the board it displays colors blue,red, green and combinations of colors. So it seems the board lost its program, and i cant find a manual how to set it up correctly.

Car runs on dry sand and gravel. No wet surfaces.

Again thanx for the help so far.
I hope someone can explain how to reprogram the diff brain.

Update. Still problems
I already find out that when blinking blue there is an option to change the position for the front diff (open / close). The same is for green (centre) and red (rear). But the combinations between colors i cannot tell. I also don't know how to confirm / bind this wit the transmitter.
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one thing you can do is send your description in an email to arrma...they may have some ideas...they responded to my email within a day...

I will drop them a mail.
When the issue is solved i will put the steps here for future reference.
Hi all. I want you to know the problem is solved by resetting the ttx-300 2 × in a row.
Now the diff works as it should again.

Kind regards
Hi all. I want you to know the problem is solved by resetting the ttx-300 2 × in a row.
Now the diff works as it should again.

Kind regards
Hi Jasper,

I have the same problem with my Nero, how did you reset your transmitter? Do you have some steps please?

Hi Jasper,

I have the same problem with my Nero, how did you reset your transmitter? Do you have some steps please?


Hi Sajjad,

If the transmitter is in the off position, hold the steering full left and the brake full. Then turn the transmitter on and it should flash 5 times.
Now the transmitter is in factory reset mode again.

I hope it solve the problem for you.

Thanks Jasper....I checked the transmitter and diff brain and they are synced up fine....I found out that the centre diff was not locking. So I opened it up and found the diff locking ring all worn out!


I hope I can get this replaced under warranty, I have hardly used the diff locks!
Yes, I just went through that very thing!
Check out this issue I found a while back: https://arrmaforum.com/threads/diff-lock-test.1426/#post-14315
Turns out that poor machining of the internals of the center diff case, the ridge where I found the burrs, still wasn't smooth enough afterwards and ate away at the diff lock collar, just like yours above. I ended up ordering a new center case and diff servo kit (which is the only way to get a new collar). Make sure the inside of your center diff case where this collar rubs is super smooth. I looked at my front and rear locks and they had zero wear, so this is a true defect when it occurs.
Thanks PeaCue for that info, I didn't think of that although I was wondering what could cause it to wear out like that! I will check the casing and fix that if necessary otherwise I will send that back as well.
Yes, I just went through that very thing!
Check out this issue I found a while back: https://arrmaforum.com/threads/diff-lock-test.1426/#post-14315
Turns out that poor machining of the internals of the center diff case, the ridge where I found the burrs, still wasn't smooth enough afterwards and ate away at the diff lock collar, just like yours above. I ended up ordering a new center case and diff servo kit (which is the only way to get a new collar). Make sure the inside of your center diff case where this collar rubs is super smooth. I looked at my front and rear locks and they had zero wear, so this is a true defect when it occurs.
I have a bunch of spare parts for lockers and servos for diffs... it looks like mine did when I put lockers in I did not get center in correctly the servo arm was in and out of the groove. it is a whole new rig now I finally got the lockers all working, I checked them before I put them in this time. love my arrmas, getting ready to go blast the typhoon soon as grass is dry.