Just ordered 2 sets from Tower with some extra diff gear sets. Balls were fine, just rebuilt front diff and shimmed, gears showed no wear, old 50k even looked and smelled normal/good. Not sure what's up. Here's some pics with new outdrive cup I put on in the meantime. When I fully extend arm upward, akin to landing with no chassis slap to just right front wheel at an angled endo persay, which is the flail that caused this, if pin and cup are facing downwards, lower pin is exiting cup slot, or just about. Looks like a perfect storm/flail situation is the only thing that would cause a repeat. Doesn't quite do this on left side, didn't measure shafts to verify equal length. Haven't disassembled CVD end yet, but will soon, appears equal in seating...Etc. Haven't changed caster or added shims to arms....Weirdness.
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