Rig Maintenance Documentation

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Does anyone else keep a detailed log of repairs/maintenance/upgrade record of their rig. I have over a dozen cars and find it helpful over the years in keeping things organized.

I use Ms Excel to keep the following details for each rig;
1) Date
2) Repairs/Upgrades/Service
3) Parts Purchase - used to include cost but nowadays omit this entry ;)
4) Damage Report (mostly blame the rig, environment, cheap parts, etc but its never my fault)
5) Current specification of rig - electronics, gearing, diff/shock oil
6) Tires used - pros and cons
7) Transmitter setting - Gyro, EPA, Steering, etc
8) Pictures of the rig after each major upgrade
9) To Do List a)Current b) Future Upgrade
10) Links to online parts suppliers
11) Battery Type Used - runtime, top speed, summary of +ve/-ve
12) Number of Total Runs
13) Notes - details on handling, performance, durability or other relevant stuff

* Another excel sheet for Generic Inventory - Oils, nuts/bolts, glue, loctite, tires, gears, etc with current quantity and minimum reorder level
Does anyone else keep a detailed log of repairs/maintenance/upgrade record of their rig. I have over a dozen cars and find it helpful over the years in keeping things organized.

I use Ms Excel to keep the following details for each rig;
1) Date
2) Repairs/Upgrades/Service
3) Parts Purchase - used to include cost but nowadays omit this entry ;)
4) Damage Report (mostly blame the rig, environment, cheap parts, etc but its never my fault)
5) Current specification of rig - electronics, gearing, diff/shock oil
6) Tires used - pros and cons
7) Transmitter setting - Gyro, EPA, Steering, etc
8) Pictures of the rig after each major upgrade
9) To Do List a)Current b) Future Upgrade
10) Links to online parts suppliers
11) Battery Type Used - runtime, top speed, summary of +ve/-ve
12) Number of Total Runs
13) Notes - details on handling, performance, durability or other relevant stuff

* Another excel sheet for Generic Inventory - Oils, nuts/bolts, glue, loctite, tires, gears, etc with current quantity and minimum reorder level
Does anyone else keep a detailed log of repairs/maintenance/upgrade record of their rig. I have over a dozen cars and find it helpful over the years in keeping things organized.

I use Ms Excel to keep the following details for each rig;
1) Date
2) Repairs/Upgrades/Service
3) Parts Purchase - used to include cost but nowadays omit this entry ;)
4) Damage Report (mostly blame the rig, environment, cheap parts, etc but its never my fault)
5) Current specification of rig - electronics, gearing, diff/shock oil
6) Tires used - pros and cons
7) Transmitter setting - Gyro, EPA, Steering, etc
8) Pictures of the rig after each major upgrade
9) To Do List a)Current b) Future Upgrade
10) Links to online parts suppliers
11) Battery Type Used - runtime, top speed, summary of +ve/-ve
12) Number of Total Runs
13) Notes - details on handling, performance, durability or other relevant stuff

* Another excel sheet for Generic Inventory - Oils, nuts/bolts, glue, loctite, tires, gears, etc with current quantity and minimum reorder level
You are a very organized hobbiest 👍that is awesome .
Whatever tickles the pickle. Whole point of the hobby is to have it your way. Like Burger King, Lol. Build a Whopper with cheese, or no cheese! Type a log, eat some Burger King, then leave a log! Can you tell I've had too much caffeine? Oh, and btw, I'm not making fun of your metthods. I was genuinely surprised. I cannot fathom that kind of organization. Unlike me, I have seen plenty of RC hobbyist's hobby areas....and they do seem to have the same theme of organization; so you're definitely not alone, I'm sure. I'd be better off to be even half as organized as you.
Yup, I track almost all the same stuff, but it's in a notebook. Haven't had time to transfer to Excel yet. I've always been that way. Got over 700 DVDs with an Excel spreadsheet listing them all in Alphabetical order with every detail of the movie (genre, length, cast, rating, etc.) I used to rent them for a $1 at my old job before streaming. 😁 ✌️
I wish I would've started a log. The hardest part for me is remembering which diffs were replaced. I have four 6S rigs...those alone are 12 diffs to try and keep up with. I've found that being organized and keeping records makes life much more manageable, not just in this hobby, but overall.
I wish I would've started a log. The hardest part for me is remembering which diffs were replaced. I have four 6S rigs...those alone are 12 diffs to try and keep up with. I've found that being organized and keeping records makes life much more manageable, not just in this hobby, but overall.
Its never too late to start. It helps in the long run keeping track of what changes you made to the rig.
This is a great idea. I am new to the hobby and have already had repairs I wish I had kept track of. Recently took out my discounted Granite 2wd and let my son play with it. He’s better at it than me already. But damage there was. Shock dumped all its fluid. Cap came loose. This is the second time this has happened, but I forgot which shock did it. A log is idea for stuff like this. Entry would be simple, shock cap came loose, left rear. If it happens again, it gives me a game plan. Now just have to see if it happens again and to which shock. Thanks for the idea.
I keep a log of when and where I run a rig, and when I upgrade or repair it. I need to be a little more on the ball and not forgetting to write stuff down. I'm inherently lazy so I could be a lot more thorough. I only keep this because my memory sucks.
This is a great idea. I am new to the hobby and have already had repairs I wish I had kept track of. Recently took out my discounted Granite 2wd and let my son play with it. He’s better at it than me already. But damage there was. Shock dumped all its fluid. Cap came loose. This is the second time this has happened, but I forgot which shock did it. A log is idea for stuff like this. Entry would be simple, shock cap came loose, left rear. If it happens again, it gives me a game plan. Now just have to see if it happens again and to which shock. Thanks for the idea.
Welcome. When you have a few rigs its hard to keep track. Start with logging the basic stuff and add what you feel relevant.
I use a notepad app on my phone to record what I've done to each rig. But I sometimes forget note it down. I also have some tyre and battery sizes so I don't have to look it up on the interweb every time.
I keep a log of when and where I run a rig, and when I upgrade or repair it. I need to be a little more on the ball and not forgetting to write stuff down. I'm inherently lazy so I could be a lot more thorough. I only keep this because my memory sucks.
Good Lord! You keep a log of where you run your rig. You can't find your way back there? Maybe your wife needs to go along so you don't end up in another county.

Rename this thread....OCD RC.
Good Lord! You keep a log of where you run your rig. You can't find your way back there? Maybe your wife needs to go along so you don't end up in another county.

Rename this thread....OCD RC.
I log date, location, runtime, no and type of batteries plus accident/damage report if applicable. What happened, parts repaired or replaced. Used to keep track of cost but don't anymore. Ms Excel with one worksheet per rig.

Got the OCD bug
I wish I would've started a log. The hardest part for me is remembering which diffs were replaced.

Good idea. But still like to have it written down.

I use a journal to write down the most recent work and dates, gearing, future wish list, etc for each truck and then I transfer it to a new page farther back in the book when that truck's page gets full. It is almost time to order a couple of spare blank journals as my current one has less than half the pages left now.
