What's going on in 2016?

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Western Australia
Arrma RC's
  1. Fury
Hey guys,

Been a bit AWOL lately while on an 'unexpected holiday' after being made redundant just before Xmas. Safe to say, 2015 has been one of the crappier years for me, but at least it ended on a high as I found employment again. :)

That all said, happy new year everyone! Hope you all have an amazing 2016! For me personally things can only go up from 2015, lol.

So, what are your new years resolutions / goals for 2016? Me, I'm planning big things. Hoping to nail this new job, buy another RC car or 2, save some money for a deposit on a house, shed some pounds from all this xmas food, and have an all-round great time.
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@Eek-the-Fox, welcome back. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles and hope that 2016 is a banner year for you.

A couple of goals for me in relation to RC for 2016 would be spending some time getting used to the Arrma Talion (after I get the warrantied parts back) and learning how to fly a collective pitch heli (Align Trex 250).
Welcome back Eek, good to hear you are back on your feet again. Been there too man, it's just not fun.
I came here a couple weeks back, got the lead from ajdragon.
WoodiE's put together a great forum, really helpful crowd here.
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I'm sure a flight sim like Phoenix or RealFlight (haven't decided which one) will be very valuable to help prevent me from crashing EVERY time... :eek:

Yeah, a sim will pay for itself in no time when learning to fly cp helis or planes. Not to mention the time and frustration it can save you too! I would suggest learning how to hold a stable hover in all upright orientations before you put a real one in the air.

I prefer Phoenix because at allows you to use the same transmitter you will actually fly with. Plenty of people like RF too, not sure there is a wrong choice between the two.

My (RC) goals for 2016 are all cp heli related... Inverted forward/backward flight and piroflips. I am already pretty close on the inverted flight, just need to dial it in a bit more.
Yeah, a sim will pay for itself in no time when learning to fly cp helis or planes. Not to mention the time and frustration it can save you too! I would suggest learning how to hold a stable hover in all upright orientations before you put a real one in the air.

I prefer Phoenix because at allows you to use the same transmitter you will actually fly with. Plenty of people like RF too, not sure there is a wrong choice between the two.

My (RC) goals for 2016 are all cp heli related... Inverted forward/backward flight and piroflips. I am already pretty close on the inverted flight, just need to dial it in a bit more.

Sounds like some pretty cool 2016 goals!

Not intending to talk off topic for too long, but I definitely agree on the value of a flight sim, that's for sure. I picked up a copy of Phoenix from my LHS today for two reasons: (1) I can use my Spektrum DX8, and (2) they have the Align heli's available, so I can play with something very similar. You quoted my exact plan - hover first before anything else.

It would kind of fun to have a sim for ground-based stuff like Arrma (see how I brought it back in? :D). Though that just may make us more daring with bashes and speed runs, I suppose...
Goals, oh yeah...
  • Get a 1/10th truck, not SC, no fenders, want the wheels out, kicking up dirt, mud, rocks, whatever
  • Get a quad, direct drive, camera platform that will lift a GoPro
  • Upload lots of RC videos to YT
  • Upgrade 1/10th truck to brushles
  • Pay more attention to wife
  • Take a really kewl tropical vaca, maybe even pop a 1/18th Dromida in the suitcase for tropical bashing!
  • Sky dive, teathered
  • Rent a Harley and take the back roads to Sedona
That should be enough...