Earplug a 4s center diff?

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Hello I was wondering if anyone has earplug their 4S center diff. I put in Mojave center diff in My 4S kraton front tires are ballooning a little but it has wheelies on demand. But I noticed on the 4th or fifth pack that the front tires started ballooning a little more. Just wondering if anybody else has earplugged their 4s diff.thanks for checking out this post.
Hello I was wondering if anyone has earplug their 4S center diff. I put in Mojave center diff in My 4S kraton front tires are ballooning a little but it has wheelies on demand. But I noticed on the 4th or fifth pack that the front tires started ballooning a little more. Just wondering if anybody else has earplugged their 4s diff.thanks for checking out this post.
Earplugs are probably equivalent to 25-30mil diff fluid, might be best left for the big 8S RC's.

For a 4S I would go with a lower weight, did you check it before you installed it?
I wouldn't recommend it... especially not with the stock plastic cases.
I use million everywhere on all my plastic rigs, it’s the universal toy lube 😂

Earplugs are probably equivalent to 25-30mil diff fluid, might be best left for the big 8S RC's.

For a 4S I would go with a lower weight, did you check it before you installed it?
When I first installed it you couldn't turn the diff out drives but now I've blown 3 front tires (backflip lp). because they are ballooning up I wasn't even jumping.I was maybe doing 30mph.maybe a bad bach of tires
Terrible idea stock fluid is 100k. Put 200k in it problem fixed. Only the 8s trucks use earplugs on the center diff. Because of the insane weight the truck carries
When I first installed it you couldn't turn the diff out drives but now I've blown 3 front tires (backflip lp). because they are ballooning up I wasn't even jumping.I was maybe doing 30mph.maybe a bad bach of tires
When the front tires are ballooning is it one or both together?

If only one, then check the fluid level of the front diff, if it is not low I would up the weight a bit to your liking.

If both front tires are ballooning together and the rears are not then for sure the center needs attention. I would definitely not do earplugs but maybe increase to 500k-1million?

Driving style and personal preference have a lot to do with it, if you are full throttle all the time you might need heavier weight fluids. I usually back off the throttle when I see the front tires start to lose it.
Try 500k first maybe and drive it for a good while before you jump up in thickness. Getting the hang of it. Much is personal preference. But going too thick in the beginning right away is NG. Make subtle changes. Then evaluate closely.
You wont need 10 mil.