Let's all make a get well thread for ArrmaGeddon

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Arrma RC's
  1. Fury
On facebook he posted about getting into an accident
"I appogised guys
I got in to an accident last night
My ducati is total lose"
"Hurts like heck pelvis hurts fractured arm broken nose old lady pushed me from behind"

get well soon @ARRMAgeddon
and hope you have a fast recovery man
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Get well soon buddy and make sure that you take as many hot baths as you can,that should help ease the stiffness and pain. Sorry,but I've never heard of that truck.

Just watched the review on youtube,man,that's one sweet looking rig.
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Get well soon buddy and make sure that you take as many hot baths as you can,that should help ease the stiffness and pain. Sorry,but I've never heard of that truck.

Just watched the review on youtube,man,that's one sweet looking rig.

I won that truck on a raffle lol
Should be coming in any day now heheh

Hot bath helps?
Ill try that thanks man

Holy crap! @ARRMAgeddon man sure am glad to hear you made it out alive. Motorcycle accidents are never a pretty scene. Hope you get feeling better soon my friend.

If there is anything we can do for you let us know!
Thanks sir woddie
Feeling much better now can move a bit beter but my arm and pelvis still hurt are hell when i moved
Me too im glad im still alive or could of been worse
Like paralized or something
The guy upstairs must be watching me that time
Imagine being thrown on the back of an suv and nothing major
Well fractured arms