Typhon Look at these issues I've had with Proline Products...is this acceptable?

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ok so I ordered Proline Trenchers for my Typhon 6S. When I installed them, they were horribly out of balance.....apparently that's an issue with them so I returned them and ordered Belted Badlands.....I just installed them, and upon doing so I realized that 2 out of the 4 17mm hubs were cracked right out of the pack....and the belted badlands are out of balance too???!!! Only one of them is out of balance, and I want you guys to let me know if this is an acceptable amount of wobble. I don't know...I'm new to this, but to me when tires cost a lot, they shouldn't wobble.

Trenchers that I returned

Belted Badlands that I'm debating swapping for new ones...should I? or is this acceptable?

cracked hub 2.jpg
Most tires/wheels are out of balance. How out of whack are they?

For my crawler and SCT I don't worry about it. The crawlers are too slow it doesn't matter. The SCT aren't on the ground 1/2 the time anyway.

For the speed car I use the balancer (below). Just throw a 17mm nut on one side to take up some space. For weight I use some clay I got at Michael's.

For what it's worth, I've been seeing a lot cracked Proline wheels on line.
i run those same tires, they have been holding up well. i did crack the hub but you can easily replace it. the tires will wear out before you kill the rims
The proline plastic hexes are garbage. They snap and break easily. I’ve replaced mine with aluminum ones. I used some off of AliEx. A search of 6x30 17mm adapters should bear fruit.
ok good to know....is that an acceptable amount of wobble in the "belted badlands" video or should I swap them out for different ones? it's really the one rear tire that looks pretty bad, but agian..i'm new to this and tend to be a bit OCD...maybe it's totally fine

Most tires/wheels are out of balance. How out of whack are they?

For my crawler and SCT I don't worry about it. The crawlers are too slow it doesn't matter. The SCT aren't on the ground 1/2 the time anyway.

For the speed car I use the balancer (below). Just throw a 17mm nut on one side to take up some space. For weight I use some clay I got at Michael's.

For what it's worth, I've been seeing a lot cracked Proline wheels on line.
there's a link to a video at the top of the post..you tell me...i'm not sure if that's really out of whack or not
ok good to know....is that an acceptable amount of wobble in the "belted badlands" video or should I swap them out for different ones? it's really the one rear tire that looks pretty bad, but agian..i'm new to this and tend to be a bit OCD...maybe it's totally fine

there's a link to a video at the top of the post..you tell me...i'm not sure if that's really out of whack or not

Sorry I missed the videos on the first go-round.

Looks normal for a larger tire, or at least I think so. My crawler tires are never straight.

From the video it looks like the rims are true (straight) but the tires are wobbly. If you smash the tires a bit one way or the other the wobbly bits, does it change the wobbliness? You might also spin it up and see if it changes.

I "think" this happens because the foams have some friction in there and help keep the tire in what ever shape it was. When you spin it up it should align everything and the wobble will be reduced.
ok cool...i'll try messing with it a bit. I went ahead and ordered replacements since it's easy to do so through Amazon...I might just swap the one that's annoying wobbly to me and call it a day....i need to wait for new plastic hubs to arrive because I'm not going to use those cracked ones...that's BS..

can someone suggest some good metal ones? i'd rather order some that I know someone on here has had good experience with....anyone have a link?
1 out of every 4 sets of prolines I order have issues… Sucks because I love their tread patterns and the look of all their stuff. Wish they had some real competition in the basher space so we had an alternative and maybe they would get their stuff together.

I have not broken a hex yet surprisingly but I regularly have sidewall issues, balance issues, ungluing issues etc.

I will say someone on the forum recommended I try Jetko and I have been having good luck with them they burn faster than the prolines but no issues yet and I have almost burned through the tread I’m running now on my typhoon 6s and they have been perfect.
I just ordered a replacement pair of belted badlands. I figure that between the 6 tires I’ll have I should be able to find 4 that aren’t wobbly and return the two crappiest ones. There’s really only one that seems excessive. The trenchers were real bad, which blows cuz they looked awesome. I don’t like the idea of having a wobbly tire on a 6s car. It will make it handle like ass and probably put more stress on the components. I also didn’t really like how much the trenchers ballooned.

As far as the plastic hexes go, I’ll just replace the cracked ones and keep a spare pack in case I break one. I doubt I will. I just drive fast on dirt/sand and do lots of power slides. No jumps, not yet anyways. I want to have some fun with it before I really start breaking things. Haha. If I can beat the crap out of it with these tires for a while without breaking anything, then I’ll try some jumps.

Anyone recommend any off-road tires besides proline?

1 out of every 4 sets of prolines I order have issues… Sucks because I love their tread patterns and the look of all their stuff. Wish they had some real competition in the basher space so we had an alternative and maybe they would get their stuff together.

I have not broken a hex yet surprisingly but I regularly have sidewall issues, balance issues, ungluing issues etc.

I will say someone on the forum recommended I try Jetko and I have been having good luck with them they burn faster than the prolines but no issues yet and I have almost burned through the tread I’m running now on my typhoon 6s and they have been perfect.
Which Jetcos?
ok cool...i'll try messing with it a bit. I went ahead and ordered replacements since it's easy to do so through Amazon...I might just swap the one that's annoying wobbly to me and call it a day....i need to wait for new plastic hubs to arrive because I'm not going to use those cracked ones...that's BS..

can someone suggest some good metal ones? i'd rather order some that I know someone on here has had good experience with....anyone have a link?
Pro-Line has aluminum hubs for their wheels, but they are on backorder. They are expensive - $46.99 a pair.

well I got my replacement Belted Badlands and these are worse than the other ones..haha...so i'm just going to stick with what I got and hopefully something better than Proline comes around by the time I need to replace these....I don't really want to spend 100 dollars are wobbly ass tires...
I've been down this road before and it was driving me nuts. I found the main problem was the rims not being a true circle. Its as if they were partially squished lol. I tried balancing wheels and could not get them to roll straight. Then I noticed the rims were not a true circle. I verfied this with calipers. Measure the diameter from different points. This was with Proline, Axial, and Jconcepts rims. They were 40 series and LPR but concept is the same for any rim.

And one Axial 8 spoke rim had a defective hex, so the hub sat at an angle, making the rim wobble.

If the rims or hubs aren't true, they will always wobble and balancing cannot fix this.
Damn. I’m just gonna accept it for now and run them until they are poop and I’ll try something else next time. I still haven’t had a chance to run them. I’m hoping to do that today
lol good idea. Its not so bad if you're using them mainly offroad. It's a bigger deal if they were on the road.