Panel saw picked a fight. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT

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Still not back at 100%. I still have to lay on my right side with one of those side sleeper pillows. I still struggle lifting things above about chest level. I still have this weird numbness in my neck and shoulder. I redid my bathroom ceiling last weekend I had to stop so many times and my neck still frigging hurts.

I'm looking into finding someone to look at my neck and shoulder but I need to talk to our HR person and find out about getting things covered by workman's compensation.
Damn Slick, that sucks. Sorry to hear after all this time you’re still feeling effects from that. Sounds like an MRI might be in order. I hope that gets sorted out for you soon.
Damn Slick, that sucks. Sorry to hear after all this time you’re still feeling effects from that. Sounds like an MRI might be in order. I hope that gets sorted out for you soon.

I've been doing some physical therapy and he has me doing these stretches on my neck, the first time I did it I about passed out from the pain. Not sure if it's helping yet as I've only done 3 5 minute sessions.

Hope you get better soon. 👍
Me too.
The good thing is that you have Medical, helping you. Hope you feel better soon. :cool:
The good thing is that you have Medical, helping you. Hope you feel better soon. :cool:
We have a physical therapist on call at my job.
I just can't catch a fiddlesticking break......

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Thankfully nothing is broken.

I was trying to unplug the saw carriage and it just dropped on my hand was stuck under it for a few minutes.

Crazy thing right before I went to clean it I was thinking about how much it would suck if it fell on my hand......
Thankfully nothing is broken.

I was trying to unplug the saw carriage and it just dropped on my hand was stuck under it for a few minutes.

Crazy thing right before I went to clean it I was thinking about how much it would suck if it fell on my hand......
Glad you're ok Slick!
Thankfully nothing is broken.

I was trying to unplug the saw carriage and it just dropped on my hand was stuck under it for a few minutes.

Crazy thing right before I went to clean it I was thinking about how much it would suck if it fell on it.
That does not look like it was pleasant at all. Glad there was no serious damage.
Dang dude, that sucks. You should tell Murphy that his law sucks and now you should be exempt from any other pain inflicting events for the foreseeable future. You should ice it, man.
Dang dude!
You Got to wear those PPEs when you work near dangerous equipment!
Dang dude, that sucks. You should tell Murphy that his law sucks and now you should be exempt from any other pain inflicting events for the foreseeable future. You should ice it, man.
The weird thing is the other side hurts 🤷‍♂️

But it already looks so much better.

The weird thing is the other side hurts 🤷‍♂️

But it already looks so much better.

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Sure glad nothing was broken. Not that it was awesome to begin with, but it could have been worse. I’ve also experienced the “wrong side” hurting. I dropped my dad’s Harley on my leg when I was a kid and the side that was all bruised and cut up didn’t hurt as bad as the other side. Weird.
You probably bruised the inside of your tissue on that other side.
Someone thinks their funny.

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I would agree. Thats pretty hilarious. You should go have some beef jerky, combine items 10 and 4 (in that order) unless you can combine items 1 and 10, and then 4, in which case you’d be a freaking legend. And afterwards you’d be be like, “arm? What arm?”