Kraton Spektrum DX4C w/SR410 AVC

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I'm thinking about buying a Kraton and would like to upgrade the radio with the DX4C with AVC has anyone upgraded to this radio?
I have Spektrum's AVC on my Granite and, for a 2wd truck with heaps of power, I can not possibly recommend it enough. I could literally ramble on and on about what and why but the bottom line is that it is exactly as advertised if not better. I'll be honest in that I am not sure how worthwhile it would be on a 4wd truck but for mine it is absolutely the business.

That said, the sr410 is not equipped with AVC. Pretty sure the srs4210 is their only AVC reciever. You will also need a digital servo if your truck does not already have one.
I have a AVC receiver and I completely just stopped using it. It was fun for a little while but you can not hit big air with it. Unless you just shut it off. I used the AVC in a drifter RC car and that was pretty cool. That AVC is just no good for bashing. have to have zero sub trim and zero steering trim. That AVC works like a heading hold gyro. It will drift if you are not all zeroed out on your trims. It's not worth it to me....It is fun to mess with and was very cool in the drifter. All I ever do is hit massive huge jumps and it would mess me all up in the air. It tries to correct the steering in the air and you just get all out of sorts.
I have a AVC receiver and I completely just stopped using it. It was fun for a little while but you can not hit big air with it. Unless you just shut it off. I used the AVC in a drifter RC car and that was pretty cool. That AVC is just no good for bashing. have to have zero sub trim and zero steering trim. That AVC works like a heading hold gyro. It will drift if you are not all zeroed out on your trims. It's not worth it to me....It is fun to mess with and was very cool in the drifter. All I ever do is hit massive huge jumps and it would mess me all up in the air. It tries to correct the steering in the air and you just get all out of sorts.
good point about the in air correction, i had thought about putting avc on my kraton too but what you said makes good sense ,when jumping the avc will try to correct and could mess up your landing .

but on the flip side of that ,just turn avc off when jumping . avc and the traxxas counterpart both work great on my short course and stadium truck .but i use those more for speed runs then i do bashing/jumping .

i will probably still put avc in the kraton and just take note to dial it off when jumping . avc and traxxas tsm systems work great for going fast and doing speed runs ,keeps everything going in a straight line .
thanks for the reminder about jumping though .good point
I have a AVC receiver and I completely just stopped using it. It was fun for a little while but you can not hit big air with it. Unless you just shut it off. I used the AVC in a drifter RC car and that was pretty cool. That AVC is just no good for bashing. have to have zero sub trim and zero steering trim. That AVC works like a heading hold gyro. It will drift if you are not all zeroed out on your trims. It's not worth it to me....It is fun to mess with and was very cool in the drifter. All I ever do is hit massive huge jumps and it would mess me all up in the air. It tries to correct the steering in the air and you just get all out of sorts.

Hmmm, I'm not having those issues at all...

In air corrections are similar enough to AVC off that I cannot feel a difference. Where is your priority set at? Mine is at 100% which makes it so that at full control input (i.e. full throttle/braking or steering) AVC is completely overridden. And then the closer you get to that point the less control it has. My in air corrections are at, or close to, full throttle/brake so AVC is a non factor.

The heading hold gyro is a thing of beauty imo. Regardless of how badly your steering linkages are set up, your car will track dead straight with the trim left alone. One of my bash spots is at the end of a poker straight two track. The type that has tall grass growing in the middle with two dirt trails on either side that are maybe a couple inches wider than my truck. I can rip down those ruts at 50mph no problem with only inches to spare on each side of my truck. Give something like that a try without AVC and let me know how it goes. Sure, accidentally bumping the trim can mess with it but that is true with or without the gyro, right? On the dx4c you can disable (or move) the switch for steering trim. So I made sure mine was centered and then disabled the switch because I will never need to mess with steering trim again, woohoo!

To each their own, but I think this is a great system when set up right. I wish you guys could rip my truck around and try it for yourself.
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It is a great device and I loved it on my RC helicopter tail servos and RC drift car but not so much on RC bashers .... I tried it but soon found I do not even need it in something like the Kraton. I like it for speed runs across some huge field in my Slash and in a drift car it was fantastic. But for jumping/ would mess me up. I've found that I can drive fine without it 100% of the time (even speed runs). If the vehicle kicks sideways off a jump...the tires want to try and point forward. I'm so use to not needing it on a basic basher that I just put mine in blinky mode. It's just shut off and I have not felt like even turning it back on. Yes you can adjust the gain and all that but I just couldn't get use to it for jumping. I simply just don't need it in the Kraton. I have one in my Slash now but never bother with it. It wont fit in the Kraton's receiver box. On ice...I would probably turn it on for sure. I is awesome but for most people, they can drive fine without it. Ice, slippery floor, I like to fool with it for sure. It's very cool, I just found that I almost never need it. Great to have if you want to turn it on. I had poor success with jumping with the AVC turned on.... I tried everything.

Lift your RC off the ground and you will see the servo drift if you are not zero on everything. You have to set your steering with the turnbuckles. Not a big deal...just a tip I've learned with heli tails. I noticed it happens with the AVC system also.
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