Typhon wheel hub extensions for Typhon mega 550 brushed

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Need help here, i've order several sets yet they all seem to be 8mm hole diameter which is too big for mega. Anyone knows the correct diameter for mega and who sells a good set of extensions.
Need help here, i've order several sets yet they all seem to be 8mm hole diameter which is too big for mega. Anyone knows the correct diameter for mega and who sells a good set of extensions.
The 8mm ones are for the 6s Typhon and will not work with the Typhon 4x4 Mega or 3s.

You have 2 options.

Option 1 you will need these https://www.horizonhobby.com/produc...ampaign=pmax&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google

Then you will need to replace your stub axles with these you will need 2 pairs https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/wheel-axle-2-4x4/ARAC9443.html

Option 2 Redcat Racing 17mm hex hubs you will need 4 of these and a 2.5mm drill bit as the hubs only have a 2mm hole and the included pins are too small for the stub axles. https://www.redcatracing.com/produc...jzQxGRUjLwc6986VCY1GCqXCwwGzDX5oaAqHrEALw_wcB
The 8mm ones are for the 6s Typhon and will not work with the Typhon 4x4 Mega or 3s.

You have 2 options.

Option 1 you will need these https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/heavy-duty-10mm-offset-17mm-hubs-arrma-1-10-4x4/HRAATF117XT02.html?campaignid=17605810284&network=x&device=m&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_P6dBhD1ARIsAAGI7HBZCaDwEV2Do1MD06EwqTWbJOyDcDrzF1eb3Fk8ZqDYTUzRmpMC7jMaAhIbEALw_wcB&ifmobile:[value]=[value]&random=383133007200831799&merchant_id=1209399&product_channel=online&utm_campaign=pmax&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google

Then you will need to replace your stub axles with these you will need 2 pairs https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/wheel-axle-2-4x4/ARAC9443.html

Option 2 Redcat Racing 17mm hex hubs you will need 4 of these and a 2.5mm drill bit as the hubs only have a 2mm hole and the included pins are too small for the stub axles. https://www.redcatracing.com/produc...jzQxGRUjLwc6986VCY1GCqXCwwGzDX5oaAqHrEALw_wcB
Slick 2500 I greatly appreciate the response, a big help indeed. I'll keep u guys posted.
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