Another Boeing airplane Malfunction // Door Plug flew off during flight

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Tex Koder

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I'm not sure what's going on over there at Boeing..
I don't work in the aviation industry..
(I'm guessing somebody must've Cut some corners while assembling those doors... )
To have one of their Brand New airplane (that just got delivered) experience a Major structure 'breakage' while carrying passengers..!!

And on top of that >>> they lost ALL the cabin recordings too from their CVR because someone didn't pull the circuit breaker..?

Okay what decade of airflight are we in..??? Shouldn't there be redundancies already in place to prevent such a simple thing from happening?


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Just my opinion here, but I suspect there are way too many short cuts allowed in the process. 30-40 years ago you wanted to build a plane it had more mechanical fail safes and they were much less complex.
Hmmm fa couple of years all Boeing's Max8 were grounded after two crashes (hardware/software problems if I remember correctly) with hundreds of casualties.
Now it's the Max7 which are being grounded that have loose screws leading to panels coming off. I can't imagine being in a plane when a panel 'disappears' during flight resulting in a big gap in the plane....

So first it was the Max8, now Max7, I'm running Max6 in all my cars...🤞🤞🤞🤞:ROFLMAO:
I'm not sure what's going on over there at Boeing..
I don't work in the aviation industry..
(I'm guessing somebody must've Cut some corners while assembling those doors... )
To have one of their Brand New airplane (that just got delivered) experience a Major structure 'breakage' while carrying passengers..!!

And on top of that >>> they lost ALL the cabin recordings too from their CVR because someone didn't pull the circuit breaker..?

Okay what decade of airflight are we in..??? Shouldn't there be redundancies already in place to prevent such a simple thing from happening?


Gf & son are 37 thousand feet up on Delta as I type this. Glad it's not a Boeing!
I'm not sure what's going on over there at Boeing.

Boeing hasn't been Boeing for a long time now. Ever since Boeing was bought out by McDonell-Douglass. McDonell-Douglass has an accounting and finance culture and a long track history of bad airplanes (see the DC-10 and DC-8). When MD bought Boeing it replaced all the Boeing management with their own people and cut corners in every area. Engineers have long since been replaced with accountants.

A prime example are the Boeing 737 Max 8 crashes (Lion Air Flight 610 & Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302) where there MCAS system was mis-calibrated and configured to use a single Angle of Attack sensor - even though the planes had two AOS sensors. This caused the plane to think it ascending to high and thus "corrected" itself by nose diving into the ground. The system was designed around a single point of failure.

This latest event is just another example of cutting corners to save a few bucks.

The short version of all this is simply corporate greed - the same thing that's hitting most any company these days.
More Loose Bolts found by United Airlines in other Boeing 737 Max 9 planes..

Also, last week a commercial airline discovered a missing nut that had fallen off the bolt on the rudder. They reported it to Boeing and Boeing then contacted customers and told them to check their planes, and others were discovered. Meanwhile, Boeing inspected several hangared 737’s that were staged for delivery to customers and found that the rudder bolts had been improperly torqued. Jesus Harold Christ, man.
Yo, Boeing: Even us elderly bedwetters on a toy RC forum know enough to put a little thread locker on our stuff here and there and properly torque our fasteners. We do occasionally have failures, but when that happens to us our gear doesn’t fall out of the sky with a couple hundred souls on board. Get your sh’t together.
Also, last week a commercial airline discovered a missing nut that had fallen off the bolt on the rudder. They reported it to Boeing and Boeing then contacted customers and told them to check their planes, and others were discovered. Meanwhile, Boeing inspected several hangared 737’s that were staged for delivery to customers and found that the rudder bolts had been improperly torqued. Jesus Harold Christ, man.
Yo, Boeing: Even us elderly bedwetters on a toy RC forum know enough to put a little thread locker on our stuff here and there and properly torque our fasteners. We do occasionally have failures, but when that happens to us our gear doesn’t fall out of the sky with a couple hundred souls on board. Get your sh’t together.
Yall threadlock your poop?? I just ugga dugga it
Also, last week a commercial airline discovered a missing nut that had fallen off the bolt on the rudder. They reported it to Boeing and Boeing then contacted customers and told them to check their planes, and others were discovered. Meanwhile, Boeing inspected several hangared 737’s that were staged for delivery to customers and found that the rudder bolts had been improperly torqued. Jesus Harold Christ, man.
Yo, Boeing: Even us elderly bedwetters on a toy RC forum know enough to put a little thread locker on our stuff here and there and properly torque our fasteners. We do occasionally have failures, but when that happens to us our gear doesn’t fall out of the sky with a couple hundred souls on board. Get your sh’t together.

I'm guessing Boeing isn't giving their workers a torque wrench to properly torque down them screws...
Because that would cost money (for the tool) And extra time to crank EACH individual screws down -to spec...

Saves more money ,if the workers just use their God given hands.. Is the thought process at Corporate HQ ,I'd imagine.
Need to meet weekly quotas ,so the higher ups gets their Bonuses.


Not to make lite of the situationS...

But perhaps Boeing should consider hiring some of the Arrma motor mount bolt guys&gals.. At least they guarantee to slather enough blue (or red) threadlocker on the bolts to keep them on tight!!
The Boeing CEO telling his employees- There's been a mistake "...This stuff matters. Every detail matters."

I wonder what he's referring to..?
"Mistake" , "Every Detail Matters"

All the while his company Boeing has been asking/pestering FAA regulators for more Safety Exemptions so they can deliver More planes...

Why would his company need to ask regulators to skip over critical inspections if "every detail matter"?

Perhaps he should cut his annual salary by 10-20% ,skip over his annual Bonuses and Stock Options for the next few years until his company products can Actually pass ALL inspections...

How much are aircraft inspections these days?
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I'm guessing Boeing isn't giving their workers a torque wrench to properly torque down them screws...
Because that would cost money (for the tool) And extra time to crank EACH individual screws down -to spec...

Saves more money ,if the workers just use their God given hands.. Is the thought process at Corporate HQ ,I'd imagine.
Need to meet weekly quotas ,so the higher ups gets their Bonuses.


Not to make lite of the situationS...

But perhaps Boeing should consider hiring some of the Arrma motor mount bolt guys&gals.. At least they guarantee to slather enough blue (or red) threadlocker on the bolts to keep them on tight!!
Hell even an Amazon Torque wrench is better than Nothing.:LOL:
Lately I prefer AirBus Plane flights, my choice. I have close relatives in the Airline line maintenance section at Laguardia AP by me. The crap I hear from them is unbelievable. The FAA is ultimately responsible IMHO. Also it appears that the new Boeing Plant on the East Coast has much more of the Boeing Defects overall. FAA records show this.
I hear that the B757 is making a comeback.

When there's Already proper Procedures, Assembly oversight, Safety checks, and Final inspections ,in place..

How could Four Major door-plug bolts completely get overlooked..?
Or worse ,not even been installed in the first place??
So How many New 737 Max 9 planes are missing door screws???
I've lost count from the TV reported cases..

For Boeing's CEO to be "devastated" now...?
After the fact..
Where has he been during all those Assembly reviews or Weekly progress reports?

Did he sleep through those meetings or just put the video-conference on mute while he's busy playing the next hole at his private golf club?
Hmmm fa couple of years all Boeing's Max8 were grounded after two crashes (hardware/software problems if I remember correctly) with hundreds of casualties.
Now it's the Max7 which are being grounded that have loose screws leading to panels coming off. I can't imagine being in a plane when a panel 'disappears' during flight resulting in a big gap in the plane....

So first it was the Max8, now Max7, I'm running Max6 in all my cars...🤞🤞🤞🤞:ROFLMAO:

Are you talking about the crash at SFO? off and the fuselage spewing black smoke.

This was a big deal locally. Being a hardware engineer I have to point out that it was 100% the fault of software. 😁 Which is usually the case, because you spend a bunch of money once on hardware so it has to be right. The software mentality is we can fix it later.

When there's Already proper Procedures, Assembly oversight, Safety checks, and Final inspections ,in place..

How could Four Major door-plug bolts completely get overlooked..?
Or worse ,not even been installed in the first place??
So How many New 737 Max 9 planes are missing door screws???
I've lost count from the TV reported cases..

For Boeing's CEO to be "devastated" now...?
After the fact..
Where has he been during all those Assembly reviews or Weekly progress reports?

Did he sleep through those meetings or just put the video-conference on mute while he's busy playing the next hole at his private golf club?

I didn't realize this was Alaska Air. They had some similar problems back in 2000 with respect to maintenance and oversight. A secondary cause was MD for lack of a backup system. I'm just saying there maybe more than just Boeing at fault here. plane into a drastic nose-down orientation.

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