Kraton Centre diff oil - 500000cst too thick?

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Evening guys and girls

Just changing the centre diff which I'm new to on my kraton but it's taking forever with the 500000 my LHS has given me. Is this oil too thick or am I just being impatient, waiting for it level out?

Keep topping it up, rotating the gears but it's like it's not doing much.

Plus... How the hell do I get rid of all these small air pockets?


Not too heavy at all. It helps a lot in controlling the diffing out on the 6s rigs. A lot of guys run 1-mill. Just top it off and walk away. Go eat a sandwich. Do your Wordle. Come back later and, “look ma, no more bubbles!”
Evening guys and girls

Just changing the centre diff which I'm new to on my kraton but it's taking forever with the 500000 my LHS has given me. Is this oil too thick or am I just being impatient, waiting for it level out?

Keep topping it up, rotating the gears but it's like it's not doing much.

I'm about to do the same.. for my center diff(s)
I got a bottle of 100K from my LHS the other day.

Plus... How the hell do I get rid of all these small air pockets?


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A vacuum chamber.
I'm not the patient type of person when it comes to these things lol. Waiting days for the post man turn up with it being a bank holiday.

Half a hour later and I'm at this point. Going to top it up a touch and leave it over night you think. As I don't have a vacuum chamber at hand lol

I'm not the patient type of person when it comes to these things lol. Waiting days for the post man turn up with it being a bank holiday.

Half a hour later and I'm at this point. Going to top it up a touch and leave it over night you think. As I don't have a vacuum chamber at hand lol

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This is why I like doing my shocks and differentials in the evening. I just leave them overnight and assemble them the next day. Time: poor man's vacuum chamber.
😂 I'll see what it says tomorrow. Won't be funny if I come back to it in the morning and it's leaked all out the bottom lol.
Well, you would learn next time to make sure the o rings were put back lol

I'm not the patient type of person when it comes to these things lol. Waiting days for the post man turn up with it being a bank holiday.

Half a hour later and I'm at this point. Going to top it up a touch and leave it over night you think. As I don't have a vacuum chamber at hand lol

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😂 I'll see what it says tomorrow. Won't be funny if I come back to it in the morning and it's leaked all out the bottom lol.

robert eggers patience GIF
Evening guys and girls

Just changing the centre diff which I'm new to on my kraton but it's taking forever with the 500000 my LHS has given me. Is this oil too thick or am I just being impatient, waiting for it level out?

Keep topping it up, rotating the gears but it's like it's not doing much.

Plus... How the hell do I get rid of all these small air pockets?


View attachment 365209
Looks good. You can pop the bubbles w a toothpick if you desire. I always set a timer for 15min to let level out. Fill looks ok to me.
Perfect. I leave one screw out when I assemble to let air or overfill escape. Tighten 3 even back-n-forth to snug, then the last, if any fluid escapes, ok, then tighten all up- loctite too
I change my diffs fluids out all the time and I am super impatient. What helps move this process along for me is I use my heat gun on low setting to work out the bubbles and get the oil to settle in. Cuts down time, big time. Obviously careful it’s gonna get hot and don’t to hot you risk trashing anything on the diff. Use same method for my thicker shock oil.
Don't fret over some air bubbles as it really does not matter.
A bit of air space is fine as it help keep the fluid in as the assembly heats up with use !!!
If fill was 100% fluid when assembled, heat from use would expand fluid and force it out past the o-rings on output cups or the gasket .. so your just fine IMO (y)

As too 500k center fluid, I track run both my rigs and that is about as thick as I go .... there and thicker the back end traction becomes too much and tracking straight out of corners under hard acceleration trends to blow out the rear end making steering control quite challenging. :confused:
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If it’s a basher you’ll enjoy the 500k center and may even choose to go higher next time. If you’re track racing the chose weights are dramatically lighter. But a good track racer (traveling much more slowly and usually with lesser voltage) doesn’t need to worry about diffing out and exploding tires, right?
Give it hell and get back to us with your observations!
If it’s a basher you’ll enjoy the 500k center and may even choose to go higher next time. If you’re track racing the chose weights are dramatically lighter. But a good track racer (traveling much more slowly and usually with lesser voltage) doesn’t need to worry about diffing out and exploding tires, right?
Give it hell and get back to us with your observations!
Yeah I just want to kick it's head in and then moan it's broke 😂