General discussions - FAST RC boat

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I think the other thing is making a determination of when the water is too rough. I have an app called and check wind speeds before I bother to charge up LiPos.
Yea SOLO Straightaway running is one thing ... Sanctioned multi boat events be them Oval course racing or SAW are an exercise in adaption to conditions at hand.
This is why many as they advance in the R/C boat hobby keep notes on props and set up specs for varied water & wind conditions etc ....

Your rabbit hole will continue to deepen !!!!

I know this picture was shared previous ... tho making note that the "TRIM" has been so finely tweaked that boat hull while running on the surface, at times Airs Out and it needs to be able to fly LEVEL before gravity has it settle back down. Key is having Prop lift enough to keep transom up and bow biased down tho not so must as to cause a high speed STUFF !!! Prop ideally never blows out losing bite and creating lift !!! For when it does the hull will KITE and blow off the water ;)

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Sooo @Tex Koder It looks like the interior of the tray is 3” by 8” I’m looking for a tray of hard thin composite material or anything. I could not find the YouTube video that shows how the dimensions are. He laid a piece of aluminum on it and drew a line. Any Somicwake owners have the battery tray dimensions? I broke two plastic tie down. Looking for something more secure. I did see one with a front box as tall as the battery to stop them from going forward to the foam. Let me know if you have any ideas! You could probably YouTube sonicwake battery tray. Crap. You said mm








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Just another video and I love it. @King blitz you magnificent mofo you! I already know I’m taking this thing to maximum upgrade level

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Doing some google searches there is an inflatable device that could keep a boat floating. It requires pulling a lever on the side so it would require a channel 3 or 4 servo to pull that lever. Might be one to keep in mind for later. The one rating on amazon is not good.

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What is the plan for getting this new battery tray into the boat? Just tons of epoxy?

From looking at that stock tray and considering it is glued down..
I was thinking perhaps use zipties?

I'm designing in some convenient slots in the custom plate for that.
I wonder if it would be best to use the 3d print as a template?
Then cut out a fiberglass or CF plate to hold the battery using that template to mark where the cuts are needed.

Personally I am not a believer in 3d prints for high strength needs.
Just something to sit on the existing tray to secure the batteries better. I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys have in mind! I’m a 56 yr old little kid with a fun new toy! 🤣 I’m pretty excited. @LibertyMKiii this weekend is gonna be a PB using your prop. Of course I’ll go when it’s like glass. Video to follow! Thanks to you both! Masters of ingenuity working together! And I might gle it in if it’s a perfect fit. But zip ties are great too!
Adhering stuff in boats, plastic wood or glass can be done using E6000 / Shoe Goo. It flexes, is super durable and sticks to damn near any clean surface.
If it’s a nice fit along the little lip… or not? I do like this idea. The YouTube video that I could never friggin find for @Tex Koder that gave me the idea because it’s exactly what he did because you break the plastic Velcro loops. I broke 2. I’ve used boat tape and Velcro too. But if you can think of it? Tex can probably make it. And @LibertyMKiii is a serious fabricator in his own right and a master boater. His YouTube videos are epic.

Edit. You break the battery tray plastic that holds the Velcro battery loops.
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@Tex Koder this is it! He gives the dimensions and everything!

Looks like you don't need Tex to 3d print it necessarily (fine if that is the route you want to go). Could take a piece of plastic or wood and do this.
Well I don’t actually know the best way to go actually. But I know I would rather have something better if possible. I just want him to have actual dimensions instead of whatever I did. lol.