Gotta stay in shape

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We all gotta stay as strong as our rigs

Whats your favorite RC and how fast does it go? (mph)
if you divide that number in half would you be able to do that amount of pushups?

For me its the Talion, 70mph gives me 35 pushups to do, its doable 💪

You Can do it!
We all gotta stay as strong as our rigs

Whats your favorite RC and how fast does it go? (mph)
if you divide that number in half would you be able to do that amount of pushups?

For me its the Talion, 70mph gives me 35 pushups to do, its doable 💪

I might be able to do 1 right now, I've never tried with 1 arm before.
You Can do it!
Lightwork! slow on the descent and fast on the ascent, building strength and endurance, I could definitely do more
My mini b does/ has done 72mph. Yes it's my fastest 😅

36? Hell yeah I can do 36 push ups.
Oh wow! thats fast for a little 16th scale and YEAAH thats what im talking about! 36 💪
Right now my typhon is doing 0mph. I can definitely do half of that! No problem!

Come on now..
You can squeeze out a 10 count.
Showoff!! I wish I could get a set, of Panthers that is!! Screw the pushups, I want them tires!!😉🤣🍻
🤣🤣🤣 believe me-I only do the morning routine because I HAVE to.. I’d much rather not have the panthers, and just be able to take it easy lol.. I’ve been slack, and need to get back up to 100, but old BMX/car crash injury has had my left shoulder being a whiney biastard the last month or two.. I’m sure there’s plenty of guys in here that could clown me with sit-ups..😅

Man-I feel bad about mentioning Panther to ya only to find out their site is down.. I’m gonna call them tomorrow for sure, so thanks for reminding me as I meant to on Friday. Those AKA’s I showed ya are being discontinued as well I fear.. Amain had them last month, and I’ve seen them on backorder with them a time or two before if they were out.. Now they are no longer even listed on the site. I DID manage to find them on Tower fwiw, but I refuse to deal with them, or Horizon. If YOU do-grab a set up-you won’t be disappointed for your XL.. 😎 I WILL let you know what I hear from Panther. Those gators I modify are no longer on their site either..🥹
I'm trying to do 100 regular a day currently. Been doing for about 7 months. Max reps in a set so far is 35... I will start doing harder pushups when I can do 100 in a row😁

You'll get there, just keep going.

Truth be told though if your actually trying to gain strength, the # of reps you do are completely pointless..

I used to do 50. Then I did 75, and then 100... I got to the point shortly after that that my body weight wasn't enough and I wasn't about to be doing a million push ups trying to get stronger. So I got a book bag and added 20lbs to it. Knocked it back down to 50. I did those till it got easy then I moved on to bench press. Occasionally I still do them but it's more for fun then fitness...

What I learned though and why I'm saying the # doesn't matter-

What actually matters is what's called time under tension.. thats what breaks the fibers up. Your muscles don't care how many you can do, that's ego. You want time under tension. You know, actually using the muscle group.
If you do 10 fast push ups, vs 10 slow. You'll notice your arms burn way more doing the slow ones. That's exactly what you want... go down twice as slow as you go up. Helpful trick.
Go for muscle use, not # of reps my friends. I don't even count them anymore. Just base it off how they feel...

Edit- also. If your trying to gain muscle eat 1 protein per body pound a day. Clean stuff. Chicken, rice etc. If you don't need the fats pay attention to them in your food..
I'm the other way and need a lot of fat also because of my metabolism being through the roof.
You'll get there, just keep going.

Truth be told though if your actually trying to gain strength, the # of reps you do are completely pointless..

I used to do 50. Then I did 75, and then 100... I got to the point shortly after that that my body weight wasn't enough and I wasn't about to be doing a million push ups trying to get stronger. So I got a book bag and added 20lbs to it. Knocked it back down to 50. I did those till it got easy then I moved on to bench press. Occasionally I still do them but it's more for fun then fitness...

What I learned though and why I'm saying the # doesn't matter-

What actually matters is what's called time under tension.. thats what breaks the fibers up. Your muscles don't care how many you can do, that's ego. You want time under tension. You know, actually using the muscle group.
If you do 10 fast push ups, vs 10 slow. You'll notice your arms burn way more doing the slow ones. That's exactly what you want... go down twice as slow as you go up. Helpful trick.
Go for muscle use, not # of reps my friends. I don't even count them anymore. Just base it off how they feel...

Edit- also. If your trying to gain muscle eat 1 protein per body pound a day. Clean stuff. Chicken, rice etc. If you don't need the fats pay attention to them in your food..
I'm the other way and need a lot of fat also because of my metabolism being through the roof.
^^^^THIS. 🤩🤙

Great info! Is it ok to eat a big bag of Cheetos every night and not work out?
Gotta be right before bed though for the full effect! 😅