Kraton I need more room

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Very Active Member
Military Veteran
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Etowah, Tennessee
Arrma RC's
  1. Kraton 6s
  2. Outcast 4s
Got my battery yesterday so I charged it up and ran my new Kraton. WOW! Fast and powerful, getting used to all the speed and power, took it out at dusk last night and adjusted the steering for straight line running, and then just got used to it, put the controller on 50% and it was still fast, eventually moved it up to full and pulled wheelies at will as well as jumping from small rises in my yard till I hit the large bush in my yard and the steering got a little wonky. Took it in the house and fixed the steering and back out to check it and it was OK again. I really like this tough truck even when I break it cause I like working on the cars as well. I have all my parts and tools all over my dining room table and have to move it all out to my garage when it warms up soon. I'm lucky I'm a bachelor otherwise I would be getting grief about the mess...

Moved to the Garage, it's new home...
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I started out using the dinning room table as my workbench. After a couple of messes and few scratches, the wife told me I needed a new work area. 😂Got a folding table to put in the corner, which has worked pretty good so far and I can put it away (apartment life) when we have company over.
I love wrenching on these trucks, great alternative to working on full size vehicles. Happy Bashing!
And once again I'm sure you used that orange book to get you through the repair? 😆 Glad your enjoying your new kraton!
No, I left the book on the dining room table and found a small step stool that is just perfect for a stand, the book is still a back up though...;)