Arrma Nero Starring In Then Endless Wheelie

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Thanks for your video. Wheelie bar now installed on my Nero. Highly recommended as it makes running hard more fun. It doesn't flip and wreck on hard acceleration now. And it's awesome seeing the Nero lift and hold as it flies away.
Many thanks. It took until 1am that day to edit. Must have pulled some 250-300 to get to the final cut!

Thanks for your video. Wheelie bar now installed on my Nero. Highly recommended as it makes running hard more fun. It doesn't flip and wreck on hard acceleration now. And it's awesome seeing the Nero lift and hold as it flies away.
Have you tried it on any of the other 'punch' settings. I've not as yet - as stock it's set on punch 3 of 5. Having to adjust the bar a bit as it seems to go a little soft with heavy use