Typhon Little Help Please

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Arrma RC's
  1. BigRock 4x4
  2. Typhon 6s
Hi Guys,

I’m new to this forum and RC. I just received this Typhon 6S 1/8, but I have no idea what version it is. Could you guys help me identify please?

Also, I bought a wheelie bar for it, (AR320366) but it looks too small and I don’t even know how I’d attach it. Could someone please recommend the best wheelie bar for this machine?

I’m super excited…BTW…this thing is awesome and I haven’t even driven it yet. I’ll be taking car of that shortly.





I have the version 3, had it about 5 years now. If I were to guess yours is earlier that that. V2? Pretty good shape. Not sure why the wheelie bar? Typhons not known for wheelies. Mine doesn't at least not on dirt anyways. Fun car enjoy it is a missle. For longevity I run mainly on 4S. Less strain on the car.
It is either a V1 or a V2, I'm guessing a V1 do to the red BLX180 motor. The battery tray is also the V1-V2 version as are the shocks and the shock standoffs.
Yeah, V1 or 2, judging by the red motor and servo. Looks clean, though.

Doubt you'll need the wheelie bar unless you plan to upgrade. But, if you look at pic 4, the 2 spacers between the wing mounts......Remove those and replace it with what you have, if it fits.
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