No Blast mode,...

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Arrma RC's
  1. Nero
So, it worked fine first 4 runs, but now I do not have Blast Mode. I believe the truck stays in wheelie mode, and I do not hear the Nero change into Blast mode but I can hear each of the other mode changes.

Where would I look first to troubleshoot why there is no blast mode?
Blast mode means all diffs are open.....
Wheely mode means just the middle diff is locked. So first check is there any noise at the servo, maybe it is blocked.
It is easier to unplug the fan from the ESC to hear it better.
if it is blocked or died, you have the cause of trouble.
Also it possible that you subconsciously changed the endpoints with the thumb while driving or that the brain board is confused.
Open the RX-box and check the led´s. (follow the manual)
At least remove the motor block together with the diff and check that. Maybe the locking pins inside are damaged.

Regards and good luck,


I would open up the center diff. Every mode has the center diff locked except blast mode so it must just be locked in place.
The lights on the brain are correct and they change with each mode.

There is no noise from wheelie to blast mode AND although my Nero is fast, it has never really done wheelies either just slightly and the front tires balloon some but no big wheelies.

Right now there's something going on, at least with the center diff- not changing modes. We'll see after I pull the Center diff.
You can check also while fixing one shaft and turning the other shaft by hand.
It is not easy to reach but possible. If the diff is locked both shafts are turning in the same direction, iff unlocked in opposite direction...

Good Luck!