No power to driveteain

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Hey guys new to the rc addiction. I got a granite 3s blx last week and ran for the first time very shortly yesterday. Today I went to take it out again got ten minutes out of it and it stopped moving. I was doing a slow turn in some grass and it seems i may have broke something in the drivetrain. I still have power to steer the tires but no forward or backward momentum. I haven’t done any upgrades haven’t taken it apart nothing took it out of the box and charged the battery. Any input would be great thanks
No luck. Just tried it twice and still no throttle and green blinking light. I really want to get this going so I may just bite the bullet and go buy a new esc today
Did you check the receiver??open up receiver box an make sure everything is plugged in.start at battery an work your way to motor.look for any unplugged, frayed you have any other,receivers,esc,or motors.if so swap an see if any of those 3 works.
No luck. Just tried it twice and still no throttle and green blinking light. I really want to get this going so I may just bite the bullet and go buy a new esc today
Sorry man......wished it would have will be worth it whe you get it fixed....
If you have not tried disconnecting two motor wires and resetting, try that. Then put it all back in and do the ESC calibration routine for throttle position. If the ESC thinks something has changed with the motor or throttle/transmitter it will not work until you do that process and save it properly.
Well, I hope they cover it. Let us know, will ya?
So a week and a new esc later I’m in the same boat but with red blinking lights this time. HH has been horrible throughout this. After sitting on hold for 2.5 hours they just sent me the resetting procedure that’s in the manual and I’ve been ignored since. I put a new esc in yesterday and it started flashing red. Even when I do a factory reset it doesn’t do anything but blink red. I’ve tried doing the calibrations and resets with no luck. This is getting super aggravating and I’m about ready to just get a full refund and be done with it. This is what I get for trying to find a hobby for myself away from the wife and kids haha
So a week and a new esc later I’m in the same boat but with red blinking lights this time. HH has been horrible throughout this. After sitting on hold for 2.5 hours they just sent me the resetting procedure that’s in the manual and I’ve been ignored since. I put a new esc in yesterday and it started flashing red. Even when I do a factory reset it doesn’t do anything but blink red. I’ve tried doing the calibrations and resets with no luck. This is getting super aggravating and I’m about ready to just get a full refund and be done with it. This is what I get for trying to find a hobby for myself away from the wife and kids haha
I'd get my refund and buy a new one, lol.
Aggravating, I know. But...s**t happens.
Good luck man.
thats a bummer. I was changing my boost level for the first time and screwed it up and all hell broke loose. flashing lights beeps no motor only steering. I had seen one of these posts prior so I messedwith it for a hour and just when I was about to give up for the night it started working.
I still want to bump up my boost from 4 to 5 but Im tired of playing with fire. maybe later today I will try. but first I have fun with it.
oh yeah mine is a senton 3s blx v3