Happy Birthday!!

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happy birthday GIF
I did not see that icon correctly.
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Unlike @Dan B. I will not blow you a kiss, I saw that, Dan B. 🤣. That was not a kiss. You were blowing your nose. 🤣 . That is too funny. (y)
🤔 I must need more coffee, I’m not following…
In the picturesque environs of Germany resides an erudite individual named Diem, whose penchant for grandiloquent verbosity is rivaled only by his fervent enthusiasm for speed-running his meticulously engineered remote-controlled cars. Diem, an autodidact par excellence, imbues every conversation with a lexicon so labyrinthine that it leaves his interlocutors flabbergasted, if not outright bamboozled. His supremely self-assured demeanor, coupled with an unwavering conviction in his own olfactory infallibility—despite any evidence to the contrary—renders him a singularly unique specimen of Teutonic brilliance. Recently, Diem was bestowed with a new Banner of Excellence, a testament to his unparalleled prowess and ostensibly indisputable superiority. As he deftly maneuvers his RC vehicles through perfectly straight courses with an alacrity that belies their diminutive stature, Diem's proclamations of automotive supremacy are delivered with an imperiousness that would make even the most insufferable pedant blanch. Indeed, in the grand tapestry of life, Diem weaves his threads with a verbosity and certitude that are nothing short of inimitable, now further embellished by his illustrious new accolade.

If that doesn't compel his immediate presence, I am uncertain what will.
In the picturesque environs of Germany resides an erudite individual named Diem, whose penchant for grandiloquent verbosity is rivaled only by his fervent enthusiasm for speed-running his meticulously engineered remote-controlled cars. Diem, an autodidact par excellence, imbues every conversation with a lexicon so labyrinthine that it leaves his interlocutors flabbergasted, if not outright bamboozled. His supremely self-assured demeanor, coupled with an unwavering conviction in his own olfactory infallibility—despite any evidence to the contrary—renders him a singularly unique specimen of Teutonic brilliance. Recently, Diem was bestowed with a new Banner of Excellence, a testament to his unparalleled prowess and ostensibly indisputable superiority. As he deftly maneuvers his RC vehicles through perfectly straight courses with an alacrity that belies their diminutive stature, Diem's proclamations of automotive supremacy are delivered with an imperiousness that would make even the most insufferable pedant blanch. Indeed, in the grand tapestry of life, Diem weaves his threads with a verbosity and certitude that are nothing short of inimitable, now further embellished by his illustrious new accolade.

If that doesn't compel his immediate presence, I am uncertain what will.
And I just had a seizure!