Man Vs. RC Carnage

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San Diego
Arrma RC's
  1. BigRock
  2. Granite
  3. Kraton 8S
  4. Kraton EXB
  5. Notorious
  6. Outcast 8s
  7. Outcast EXB
  8. Senton 3s
  9. Senton Mega
  10. Typhon 6s
  11. Vorteks
Anyone have any videos of personal carnage while bashing? Anyone take themselves out in FPV or on GoPro? I figured I'd make a separate Post after being inspired by @AjDale 's recent experience ending in 5 dome staples (what a tank!). I just figured someone else besides me must have some fun footage hidden away somewhere.
Stay safe out there guys!
What was the damage?
I’ll be watching this thread. I saw one on YT last year where a guy hit himself with a speedrun car and got an ambulance ride and a butt ton of stitches/staples in his leg.
I’ll be watching this thread. I saw one on YT last year where a guy hit himself with a speedrun car and got an ambulance ride and a butt ton of stitches/staples in his leg.
Me also.. That was a really bad hit that hurt just to see it.
Here’s a bunch of them on Tomleys channel. A couple of them really pi$$ed me off. One guy beaned his kid in the head, walked over and picked the kid up off the ground and was laughing while he was walking back. Made me want to punch him in the head. Dad of the year, right there…
Like anything, there will always be stupid people out there doing really stupid things, and this hobby is no exception.
Haha oh man no time to react. I can put the normal speed up if anyone wants and you can see from the kick that sent the back end out and off track to contact was about 1ish second lol. Plus I was in full crouch mode for the action shot so there was no escaping once I did realize my fate... Nah didn't get hurt. Got seriously lucky and the truck bottomed out just as it hit me, so it just hit the bottom half of my boot and not actually me. Lmao still fully swept my legs out and knocked my boots clean off :ROFLMAO:. Looks like my buddy's gonna have to find a different way to assassinate me.
We bought a tripod the day after also...;)

I just noticed the last frame of the short too...
Still safer than surfing though, RC cars haven't cost me two shoulder surgeries... yet haha.


Bro that Tomley Compilation is NUTS!! Lets go!!! RIP ankles omg...