Horizonhobby customer service strikes again

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Ordered tires 3x and the last order was not received. Never received tracking or notification they shipped. According to HH website/ my account it hasn't shipped. Contact Cs and given tracking they did ship and was marked dlvd. Emailed back stating I don't have them. And receive this response.

Hello James,

The link to the tracking in our last email shows the delivery. Please check with neighbors they sometimes get a package and hold it for customers. Horizon Hobby is not responsible for a package once delivered. You can contact your homeowners/renters insurance if you can not find it they sometimes cover lost or stolen packages.

Best Regards,
Mike 1012

I emailed back blah blah and complain they should have insurance with FedEx etc. And will file a charge back as it is my only recourse. Waited 2 days no response and filed a CB . Should I eat the several hundred dollar loss? Btw my ring camera shows nothing at the delivery time. Ring is not perfect had deliveries before and it had missed it.
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Well, first you gotta figure out whose fault it is. If FedEx shows it got delivered and it didn’t show up on your door, that sounds like either someone took it or FedEx delivered it to the wrong house.
Contact the delivery company. Most actually take a picture of the item sitting at the delivery address. That’s the first step. If it was delivered to the wrong address it will be obvious. And it’s on the delivery company.
I am not the shipper they won't work with me. Thanks

Think I am done with HH, not a threat not shooting my mouth off. I just feel over them. Will buy parts to maintain my vehicles else where but I am parting ways. Had this scenario happen nearly a decade ago with Macy's, within a day replacement package was sent. Charge back go's through great if not 212 ($$) reminders f HH.
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I wouldn’t be blaming Horizon if the FedEx tracking number shows delivered. Either FedEx screwed up or somebody stole the package.

Do you have a doorbell camera? I bought one after basically the same thing happened to me (not from Horizon). Never found the package.
Porch pirates running rampant. See it all the time on the news. Bad thing is their car they are doing this in are better shape than mine.
Ordered tires 3x and the last order was not received. Never received tracking or notification they shipped. According to HH website/ my account it hasn't shipped. Contact Cs and given tracking they did ship and was marked dlvd. Emailed back stating I don't have them. And receive this response.

Hello James,

The link to the tracking in our last email shows the delivery. Please check with neighbors they sometimes get a package and hold it for customers. Horizon Hobby is not responsible for a package once delivered. You can contact your homeowners/renters insurance if you can not find it they sometimes cover lost or stolen packages.

Best Regards,
Mike 1012

I emailed back blah blah and complain they should have insurance with FedEx etc. And will file a charge back as it is my only recourse. Waited 2 days no response and filed a CB . Should I eat the several hundred dollar loss? Btw my ring camera shows nothing at the delivery time. Ring is not perfect had deliveries before and it had missed it.
How is that HH’s fault? You bought it, they shipped it. Why aren’t you “done” with FedEx?
Hi. I have a small business and I ship lots of things. Horizon can absolutely contact the courier and request reimbursement and very likely have some level of insurance on that package. They ship hundreds of packages a month and very likely have a commercial account with their couriers. Its easier for them to deal with than the client. As a consumer I have been in this situation before and I gave the company 10 days to make it right. When they didn't bother responding to me or offering any help in a solution.. I issued a dispute with my bank and wouldn't you know.... 2 days later I got another shipping notification and my item was on the way. Crazy how that works... The company still never replied to me only my bank. This was not horizon hobby I had this experience with but the end result is likely the same.

I will say on the other hand. The things AMain Hobbies has done for me is nothing short of incredible customer service. The beautiful thing about capitalism if you don't like the product, price, or service. Just walk next door!

This isnt how a company should handle their customer. Its bad customer service. I understand the policy as to prevent abuse of the system but if the customer has no history of this behavior its in the best interest of the company to make it right. Regardless if it was their fault are not. Its very simple they take this stance. There are other companies who would make it right regardless of fault.

Its not your job to figure out the fault. This is too competitive of a space. The customer experience should be frictionless and enjoyable even if there are problems that pop up. You should be able to provide all the information requested and if you are repeat customer with no history of abusing this situation the company should do whatever it takes to get what you paid for in your hand as quickly as possible. Even if its not their fault at all. Doing so would create such an incredible opinion of the company in your mind that you wouldn't dare shop anywhere else and it would pay for the loss in the future 10x
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How is that HH’s fault? You bought it, they shipped it. Why aren’t you “done” with FedEx?
You're right my fault. HH has done nothing then tell me to use my insurance. I contacted FedEx won't do anything I am not the shipper.
@HoppyHop84 Very well put, I knew some people would side with HH. I don't feel I should have to chase the order and beg HH.
I didn't know they shipped. Could of been on the look out. The 1 day I was done much of the day.

Never had a shipping issue until now, dozens of orders over years. I let Discover know that too.

You're right my fault. HH has done nothing then tell me to use my insurance. I contacted FedEx won't do anything I am not the shipper.
@HoppyHop84 Very well put, I knew some people would side with HH. I don't feel I should have to chase the order and beg HH.
I didn't know they shipped. Could of been on the look out. The 1 day I was done much of the day.

Never had a shipping issue until now, dozens of orders over years. I let Discover know that too.

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I was not, and did not say that this was your fault. I said it was the fault of FedEx. And I’m not “taking sides” with HH. I’m just saying that you purchased an item, and Horizon shipped it and that it was in no way their fault that your package was lost/stolen/mis-delivered. Obviously, that was the carriers fault. Not your fault. Not Horizons fault. Unless it was stolen from your porch, which isn’t uncommon these days as others have also pointed out. Would that be Horizon’s fault as well? 🤔. So I’m not sure why you’re saying that you’re done with Horizon after this. Was the package insured? If it was, this should be a simple matter to reconcile. As the recipient, I’ve filed claims with both UPS and FedEx over lost shipments with just a tracking number. If Horizon didn’t insure the package, then I agree that as a consumer this would be their problem, not yours. But if you have a tracking number you can absolutely deal directly with FedEx. You don’t have to be the shipper to make a claim, it’s the recipient who generally makes the claims, right?